Growing Degree Days & Evapotranspiration Data


Emerge Date

Additional ET Resources

  • Crop water use by growth stage for various crops
  • Publications: ETgage® & Watermark Sensors
  • Irrigation Trigger Levels for Various Nebraska Soils (chart)
  • CropWatch ET Resources: Maps of potential evapotranspiration rates for the High Plains Region
  • Using Modified Atmometers (ETgage) for Irrigation Management, NebGuide G1579. This NebGuide describes the atmometer (evapotranspiration gage) and explains how it can be used for irrigation scheduling. Examples are provided to show how information collected with an atmometer can be used to estimate crop water use for corn and soybean.

  • Nebraska map of average ET for previous week

    Map of Nebraska ET for previous day

    Check the High Plains Regional Climate Center's website for local, regional, and national climate data resources you can use when planning for your agricultural operation.

    Crop Water Use by Plant Growth Stage

    These charts can be used with readings from an ETgage® or other ET reference. To use the chart, first identify the change in the ET rate across the horizontal row and then identify the current growth stage in the left column. Follow the two columns to the point where they intersect to identify the ET rate to use in your irrigation scheduling. When planning irrigation, account for soil moisture, precipitation, weather conditions, and the ET rate for growth stage of your crop.

    Estimating Growth Stage

    Each of the Crop Growth Stage Charts listed above also includes illustrations of the growth stages. For more detailed information, see these resources:


    Additional GDD Resources

    U2U Corn GDD Tool