- Agricultural Production
- Livestock Manure Management
- Manure Nutrient Management
- Assembling an NMP
- Animal Inventory
Nutrient Management Plan Section 1: Animal Inventory
To assemble the necessary inputs for estimating manure nutrient excreted by an animal feeding operation. A generic estimate of manure nutrient excretion can be made by collecting farm data for:
- Meat animals – Number of animals finished per year.
- All other animals – One-time animal capacity of animal housing.
- Portion of year facility is occupied.
The generic estimate assumes all animals are fed the same diet and achieve the same performance. This assumption can produce large errors in estimating manure nutrients.
A more accurate, farm-specific estimate of manure excretion can be made by collecting:
1. Average daily feed intake.
2. Concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus in the ration.
3. Species specific animal performance information.
Reference Materials:
Please download (Save) these form and software files to your local computer.
Livestock & Poultry Inventory for Meat Production form: PDF version* (1 page, 96KB); MS Word version* (1 page, 248KB)
Livestock & Poultry Inventory for Milk, Egg, and Wool Production form: PDF version* (1 page, 96KB); MS Word version* (1 page, 241KB)
Manure Nutrient Excretion Estimator (paper form for estimating manure nutrient excretion): MS Word version* (1 page, 71KB)
Nebraska NRCS uses an Inventory Job Sheet* PDF version (10 pages, 747KB), for all aspects of a Comprehensive NMP (CNMP)
Nutrient Inventory Spreadsheet* (MS Excel file, 1.84MB) for an animal feeding operation. Use for estimating
1) the amount of N, P, and total quantity of manure excreted by animal feeding,
2) the quantity of available nutrients after storage and land application, and
3) the land requirement for utilizing remaining nutrients at an agronomic rate.
Instructions Link: Manure Nutrient and Land Requirement Estimator
Video: Integrating the New ASABE Manure Standard into Nutrient Planning*
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* NOTE on using various file types:
– PDF files: To read these files, you will need the current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
– MS Word files: version 2000 or newer
– MS Excel (.xls) files: version 2003 or newer
– Video: Windows Media Video Real Player
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