Calibration Kits
20 kits of equipment and supplies for calibrating both dry and liquid manure spreaders are available in Extension offices across the state.
- Available for check-out for farmers and their advisors
See map of locations below where the manure calibration kits are available.**
Each Kit Contains:
- Measuring wheel for the weight and area method of calibrating
- Electrical conductivity meter for checking salt concentration of liquid manure
- Rain gauges for sprinkler applications
- Platform scale
- 22 square foot sheets of plastic for calibrating dry spreaders
- Instructions and forms for calibration
- Supplies for sampling manure for nutrient analysis: soil probe for stockpiled manure; pruning shears for taking corn stalk nitrate samples at the end of the season
These kits help livestock producers protect our environment and procure full value from the nutrients in the manure. Kits can help farmers to meet Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regulations to document the quantity of manure that is being applied.
More about calibrating your manure spreader
Additional Resource: Calibrating your Manure Spreader Worksheet
Counties offering the kits include:
- Boone
- Cuming
- Custer
- Dawson
- Fillmore
- Merrick
- Morrill
- Phelps
- Saline
- Scotts Bluff
- York
Other site offering the kits include:
- Haskell Ag Lab (Concord)
- Upper Elkhorn NRD (O'Neill)
- UNL (Lincoln)
**(Note: If your Internet browser does not display a map, you may view or print this Kits Contacts list PDF using Adobe Acrobat Reader.)