Lawns, Gardens & Landscapes
Your landscape includes your lawn, trees, shrubs, flowers, vegetable garden, and groundcovers. The lawn is likely a prominent part of your landscape. While the lawn may need watering and frequent care, it adds beauty to the community and a well-maintained lawn offers many benefits.

Extension at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is actively involved in programming that helps homeowners, industry, and youth audiences understand onsite wastewater treatment systems for handling domestic sewage.

Drinking Water & Water Wells
How much do you really know about the water you drink every day? Where does it come from? Is it safe to drink? Is a home water treatment system necessary? How can drinking water be protected?

Stormwater Management
Stormwater is water from rain and melting snow and ice. Stormwater can soak into the soil (infiltrate), be held on the surface and evaporate, or run off and end up in a nearby stream, river, or other water body.

Water and Health
Groundwater, like the High Plains Aquifer, is used to provide drinking water for many Nebraskans across the entire state. Unfortunately, groundwater is vulnerable to contamination. Drinking contaminated water is a major health risk.