Manure Nutrient Management

Water quality protection is primary to good stewardship of our environment; and fundamental to good stewardship is application of manure and fertilizer nutrients at field-specific agronomic rates with careful consideration of timing and location. Following nutrient management principles is a requirement for compliance with Nebraska and U.S. environmental regulations for all permitted animal feeding operations. In Nebraska, all large CAFO's are required to attend a Land Application Training every 5 years; proof of such training is the responsibility of the large CAFO itself. Operating any size animal feeding operation according to a nutrient management plan (NMP) is not only good stewardship, but an expectation for all.
Resources on comprehensive nutrient management plans (CNMPs) provided here:
- Educational programs from University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension for Producers and their Advisors on manure management topics including Nebraska Regulations
- UNL Extension Software and Workbooks to help farmers more easily manage manure
- Nebraska NMP basics: Assembling a Nutrient Management Plan
Animal manure management resources located on National eXtension:
- More than 100 experts including a team of 10 nutrient management experts have contributed to this national web resource.
- Monthly web cast presentations accessible both live and in archived forms. CCA and ARPHAS continuing education units are available for these webcasts.
Information presented within the livestock manure management section of this Water Web site has been authored and/or reviewed by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Manure Management Team members Leslie Johnson, Rick Koelsch, Charles Shapiro and Charles Wortmann.