The UNL Animal Manure Management Team Produces Monthly Graphics on Manure Application

What is the purpose?
Our graphics are intended to educate the public that recycling local manure nutrients before purchasing fertilizer is key to protecting the environment. Manure is a locally available, nutrient dense, soil friendly food that helps crops thrive. However, due to odors, pathogens, and potential for overapplication of nutrients there can be some risk associated with manure use, but this risk can be mitigated with proper handling and application. Our manure graphics communicate science-based information on manure management in an aesthetic, user-friendly format available free for public use. Some examples are shown throughout this article.
How can I get involved?

If you would like to receive monthly graphics on manure application best practices to share in your circles, send Amber Patterson a request and let her know where you plan to share them. You can expect to receive three to six graphics in .png format the first week of every month.

This article was reviewed by Leslie Johnson