Utilization of Woody Biomass as an Agronomic Land Treatment and Conservation Practice in the Middle Niobrara Natural Resources District Long Pine Creek Watershed

Utilization of Woody Biomass as an Agronomic Land Treatment and Conservation Practice in the Middle Niobrara Natural Resources District Long Pine Creek Watershed

Utilization of Woody Biomass as an Agronomic Land Treatment and Conservation Practice in the Middle Niobrara Natural Resources District Long Pine Creek Watershed

NEBRASKA EXTENSION in cooperation with Local Landowners, Middle Niobrara Natural Resources District, Nebraska Forest Service, NE Department of Environmental Quality, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Nebraska Environmental Trust will host a MIDDLE NIOBRARA NRD LONG PINE CREEK WATERSHED CONSERVATION FIELD DAY on July 26th from 10 am to 1 pm

This article was reviewed by Amy Schmidt and Leslie Johnson