Irrigation Scheduling
UNL Extension Circulars and Nebguides
G1579, Using Modified Atmometers (ETgage) for Irrigation Management Describes the atmometer (evapotranspiration gage) and explains how it can be used for irrigation scheduling. Examples are provided to show how information collected with an atmometer can be used to estimate crop water use for corn and soybean.
PDF version (975 KB; 4 pages)
EC776, Advantages and Disadvantages of Subsurface Drip Irrigation PDF (1.82 MB; 8 pages) Discusses subsurface drip irrigation, including the advantages of water application efficiency and savings, energy savings and potential yield increases and the disadvantges of initial investment, system capacity, design restrictions and emitter clogging.
G888, Flow Control Devices for Center Pivot Irrigation Systems Factors contributing to the need for spinkler flow rate regulators and how various regulators work.
PDF version(741 KB; 3 pages)
G1328, Water Loss From Above-Canopy and In-Canopy Sprinklers In-Canopy and above-canopy sprinklers are compared to determine which irrigation method minimizes water loss and reduces installation and operation costs.
PDF version (621 KB; 2 pages)
EC783, Watermark Granular Matrix Sensor to Measure Soil Matrix Potential for Irrigation Management PDF (530 KB; 8 pages) This publication defines soil matric potential and describes principles and operational characteristics of one of the electrical resistance type soil moisture sensors for irrigation management. Examples show how soil matric potential can be used for irrigation management.