Efficient Indoor Water Use

Most people in the U.S. use 60 to 100 gallons of water per person per day. See the following Nebraska Extension publications to learn how to use water most efficiently in your home.
Water Wise: Water Conservation in the Home
This NebGuide discusses efficient indoor water use including selecting water-efficient appliances, keeping fixtures in good working order, and changing water use practices.
Water Wise: Managing Low-Capacity Private Drinking Water Wells During Drought
It is especially important for families with private drinking water wells to manage them appropriately during periods of drought. See the Nebraska Extension NebGuide that discusses well issues associated with drought, and what a homeowner can do.
Other Resources
EPA WaterSense
WaterSense is a partnership program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that helps consumers choose quality, water-efficient products.
Information presented within this section has been reviewed by current or former Nebraska Extension faculty including Lorrie Benson, Bruce Dvorak, Sharon Skipton, and Wayne Woldt.