Introducing New Bazile Groundwater Management Area Extension Educator

Introducing New Bazile Groundwater Management Area Extension Educator

Jeremy Milander soil sampling at Haskell Ag Lab (photo credit Katja Koehler-Cole)
Please welcome Jeremy Milander to Nebraska Extension.  Jeremy will assume his new role as an Assistant Extension Educator in mid-April and will have specific responsibilities in the Bazile Water Management Area in northeast Nebraska.  He will work with four Natural Resources Districts to develop an educational program aimed at stabilizing the nitrate concentration in ground water.  Jeremy will also work with a stakeholder group to implement field demonstrations funded by a Nebraska Environmental Trust grant.  

Jeremy grew up near Coleridge, NE and earned his bachelor and master of science degrees in Agronomy at the UNL.  His master’s work included assessing the impact of management practices on the yield components of corn.  He has worked with the soil science program at the Haskell Ag Lab for the past 2 years where he assisted with a cover crop study and a long term tillage and crop rotation study.

Jeremy’s office will be located at the Lower Elkhorn NRD Office in Norfolk located at 1508 Square Turn Blvd.  Phone Number:  402-371-7313.

This article was reviewed by Jeremy Milander and Leslie Johnson