2017 Sandpit Lake Management Workshops

Nebraska Extension, the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, and Game and Parks again have partnered to offer a series of pond and lake management introductory workshops. These workshops are free and open to everyone who makes decisions for and about lakes and ponds or anyone who wants to learn more about protecting them. If you’ve ever had an algae bloom, fish kill, murky water, or just want to know what’s going on in the lake, this workshop is for you. All 2017 workshops are focused on sandpit lakes.
There is no cost to attend these workshops, but reservations are required. The workshops will be held from 6-8pm as follows:
- March 2, 2017 in Grand Island (Nebraska Extension in Hall County at College Park, 3180 W. Highway 34
- March 7, 2017 in Weeping Water (Cass County Extension Office, 8400 144th St #100)
- March 16, 2017 in Columbus (Pinnacle Bank, Village Centre, 210 E. 23rd Street)
Workshop topics include:
- Sandpit lake functions, characteristics, and challenges
- Managing waters for fisheries
- Lake management planning
- Resolving common maintenance problems (Algae, leaks, undesirable fish, fish kills, clarity, erosion, nuisance animals)
- Toxic algae management and sampling
- Invasive species
Register Now!
To register go to one of the following registration pages
- Grand Island: http://go.unl.edu/grandislandlake
- Weeping Water: http://go.unl.edu/weepingwaterlake
- Columbus: http://go.unl.edu/columbuslake