Shoreline, Streambank & Lake Restoration

Shoreline and streambank protection is critical to maintaining water quality in streams, rivers and lakes. Degraded shorelines around lakes and along stream banks increase the likelihood of pollutants such as sediments and nutrients reaching the water and contributing to decreased water quality. Implementing best management practices in and around lakes and along streams can greatly reduce water quality problems.
UNL Publications
- Planning Your Riparian Buffer: Design and Plant Selection, Nebguide G1557 Learn how to plan and design a riparian buffer and select appropriate tree and grass species.
- Installing Your Riparian Buffer: Tree and Grass Planting, Postplanting Care and Maintenance, Nebguide G1558
- Bioengineering for Hillslope, Streambank and Lakeshore Erosion Control, Nebguide G1307
Bioengineering techniques for erosion control and tips for successful installation and demonstration project. - Controlling Pond Plant Growth with Bottom Barriers, Nebguide G2025 Ideas for controlling plant growth to assure a healthy, aesthetic environment.
Information presented within the Lakes, Ponds & Streams section of this Water Web site has been reviewed by University of Nebraska–Lincoln Lake, Pond and Stream Protection Team members Katie Pekarek, Tom Franti, David Shelton, Steve Tonn and Charlie Wortmann.
NRCS Stream Restoration
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Stream Corridor Restoration Guidebook
Federal Interagency Stream Corridor Restoration Working Group