Landscape Design Practices
- Install rain gardens in locations where they catch and temporarily hold rainwater.
- Use natural drainage patterns, site grading, berms (planted earth mounds) or other methods to channel rainwater away from impervious surfaces (i.e. pavement) onto planted areas such as grass swales, filter strips, or rain gardens.
- Plant and maintain healthy plant cover, especially on slopes to stabilize the soil and prevent erosion. Select plants adapted to the site and maintenance level.
- Avoid planting high maintenance turfgrass on steep slopes, next to water's edge, or in areas not conducive to healthy turf growth or reasonable maintenance access.
- Plant shade trees whose leaves intercept and slow down the rate of rainfall, and whose roots use soil moisture allowing for increased water infiltration.
- Consider using native plants in our landscape. They look great without much water or fertilizer.
- When reseeding/establishing a lawn, use grasses that are well adapted to local conditions and your needs.
- Minimize the amount of area covered by paved surfaces. Where feasible, use permeable materials such as bricks, interlocking pavers, porous concrete, mulch, or others.
- Take an active role in developing the property design during new home construction or landscape renovation projects, before grading and construction begins.