Landscape Management Practices
- Aim downspouts towards planted areas or pervious hardscape and away from impervious paved areas.
- Collect rainwater from rooftops in rain barrels or cisterns for reuse in landscape irrigation.
- Amend soil with organic matter. Core aerate lawns to help avoid or reduce soil compaction, increase water infiltration, and promote healthy root systems.
- Follow University and label recommendations and calibrate spreaders when using fertilizers and pesticides. Only use these products when needed. Read and follow label directions for all lawn chemicals.
- Use water conservation practices. Avoid water runoff during irrigation . Avoid excess irrigation which leads to saturated soils that can increase water runoff. See the Water Measurement tool under Lawn and Landscape Irrigation for more information.
- Keep potential pollutants (e.g. soil, fertilizer and pesticide granules, and grass clippings) off paved areas. Do not sweep or hose these into the street, but onto planted areas or use in compost.
- Rake and compost tree leaves.
- Clean grass clippings and tree leaves from street gutters.
- Mow before the grass gets too tall and leave grass clippings on the lawn to promote healthy turf.
- Do not stockpile soil, mulch, or other bulk materials on paved surfaces during lawn and landscape projects.
- Pick up pet waste and put in the trash.
- Use best plant care practices when planting and maintaining plants to promote vigorous growth and healthy roots. For further information visit the UNL Extension Horticulture site.
Well designed landscapes are aesthetically pleasing, functional, and sustainable. They can help protect the environment, add to property values, and enhance quality of life. For more information on home landscaping, order the UNL publications booklet, "Home Landscape: Understanding the Basics of Design" (Cost: $6.50).