2017 Omaha Stormwater Management Tour

Join us, as we tour some of the newest stormwater management projects in Omaha and re-visit established green infrastructure projects. Six of this year’s tour stops are new to the tour! Criteria for tour stop selection included ensuring a variety of consultants, various project scales, various management practices, and availability of tour guides.
Tour stops will include:
- Thompson Creek Stream Restoration & Rain Gardens
- Fair Deal Village Permeable Pavement, Bioretention, Green Roof & Neighborhood Revitalization
- Metro Community College Bioretention System
- Fontenelle Park Large Scale Green Infrastructure for CSO
- Creighton Prep Bioretention & Permeable Pavement
- Dundee Outdoor Green Infrastructure Classroom
- Baxter Arena Bioretention Systems
Register* at go.unl.edu/OmahaGreenInfrastructureTour
*Registration includes air conditioned charter bus, lunch, water, and handouts.
This article was reviewed by Andy Szatko, UNO City of Omaha