2021 Nebraska Virtual Green Infrastructure Tour - So nice, we'll visit twice!

Join us on March 5, 2021 for the Nebraska Virtual Green Infrastructure Tour! We will re-visit communities across Nebraska to higlight green infrastructure projects and programs, both large and small.
We will be exploring the Tri-Cities Stormwater Program and projects in Scottsbluff, Gering, and Terrytown. We’ll then travel to Kearney to explore a private-public partnership with the MS4 program, local business, and Kearney Highschool. Next, the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum will help us take a look at the Columbus Chamber of Commerce Rain Garden with a focus on plant selection. From there, we will travel to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's East Campus to tour the green parking log design, bioretention, and rain gardens. Finally, when we go to Omaha, we will take a flyover of phases I & II of Spring Lake Park before we talk with a community organizer, engineer and landscape architects. Our final stop will be at Dundee Elementary, where we will speak with designers, city personnel and the school’s principal about how the green infrastructure projects have impacted the school and surrounding community.
This tour is a repeat if you missed it in December 2020. 3 CEUs available.
Tour Stops include:
- Tri-cities (Scottsbluff, Gering, Terrytown) Green Infrastructure Program – stormwater management in a dry climate, maintenance, green parking, using green infrastructure while promoting community events
- Kearney Private-Public Partnership - bioinfiltration project, public-private partnership, high school involvement
- Columbus Chamber Rain Garden - rain garden, planting selection focus
- University of Nebraska – Lincoln East Campus Green Infrastructure – green parking design, bioretention, water feature
- Spring Lake Park Phase II – large-scale green infrastructure and CSO project
- Dundee Elementary Green Infrastructure – elementary perspective, grants, partnerships, rain gardens, permeable pavers

How will this work?
Register at go.unl.edu/NEVirtualGITour. Once you have registered, you will be sent the log on information for the virtual tour. We will spend approximately 15 minutes at each tour stop from Scottsbluff to Omaha. Interviews with the designers, installers, engineers, landscape architects, city personnel, community organizers, private partners, and school personnel have been pre-recorded. After taking the pre-recorded video “tour,” experts will be available for questions with a panel discussion at the end of each tour stop. Registration Deadline March 3, 2021.
We look forward to when we can all get together in person and ride the tour bus from stop to stop. In the meantime – we hope you can join us via zoom on March 5 for this virtual tour across the state!
The Virtual Green Infrastructure Tour Team
-Katie Pekarek, Steve Rodie, Andy Szatko, Thomas Franti, Kelly Feehan, Elizabeth Exstrom
This article was reviewed by Thomas Franti, Professor of Biological Systems Engineering