LID Atlas

Low impact development (LID) practices, also known as green infrastructure, have been shown to be very effective in mitigating the impacts associated with stormwater runoff from development. On-the-ground examples of LID implementation, both good and bad, are needed to help local officials and others overcome the natural reticence to embrace new technologies or approaches and encourage or even require their use. The Low Impact Development (LID) Atlas was created for the National Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO) Network by the Connecticut NEMO Program and the California Center for Water and Land Use (  The LID Atlas is an interactive tool that provides examples of LID implementation throughout the country. 

About the Map

1. The following map works best in Safari (MAC) or Firefox (PC) web browser.

2. The map you are looking at is a Google Map that has been mashed with LID project data. You can pan, zoom, and change the base map imagery just as you would in Google Maps.

3. The colored balloons represent the LID project type and the checklist on the left sidebar can be used as a legend. By clicking on an icon you will open an "information balloon". This balloon contains project information and possibly a photo. You can click on the "x" in the top-right corner of the balloon to close the balloon, or click on another icon to open a different balloon

View the Map

Add YOUR Project

Submit data on your low impact development project for addition to the atlas.  Please note that your entry will not be immediately uploaded onto the map due to our quality control process to ensure consistent data entry.  You will need to know some basic information about the project and can include links to project photos and a project website.