Low Impact Development

Low Impact Development

The key premise of low impact development (LID) is to allow natural systems to manage stormwater when and wherever possible.  LID takes advantage of existing natural features and also designs and constructs systems to imitate natural processes, for example, green roofs, bioretention gardens, and permeable pavement.  Historically, stormwater management meant stormwater disposal.  With LID, stormwater is managed as a resource rather than a liability.  LID's goal is to mimic a site's natural capability to handle stormwater by using design techniques that infiltrate, filter, store, evaporate, and detain runoff close to its source.  LID was pioneered in Maryland in 1985 to address economic and environmental issues associated with water quality concerns in Chesapeake Bay. Since then, the concept of LID has been implemented to varying degrees nationwide.  Projects in Nebraska and the region are being designed and installed in growing numbers as the concept becomes more accepted.

Low impact development helps manage both stormwater quality and quantity.

  • Quantity concerns include flooding and property damage, damage to stream channels, lower stream base flows, and less groundwater recharge.
  • Water quality concerns arise when stormwater runoff collects sediments, nutrients, acids and salts, heavy metals, toxic chemicals, and pathogens. Increased water temperature is also a major water quality concern.

LID is effective. It results in landscapes that generate less surface runoff, less pollution, less erosion, and less overall damage to lakes, streams and coastal waters.

LID can be economical. It can cost less to construct and maintain than conventional stormwater management systems while enhancing environmental quality and quality of life.

LID is flexible. It offers a wide variety of techniques to provide for both runoff quality and quantity benefits.

LID is a balanced approach. LID is ecologically-based land development that seeks to better integrate the built environment with the natural environment.

What LID Looks Like

The most common examples of Low Impact Development are rain gardens, bioretention gardens, bioswales, pervious pavement, green roofs, and rain harvesting. 

Add your project to the LID Atlas

Also see examples of LID from across the United States. 

2018 Omaha Green Infrastructure to be held 9/20/2018

You’re invited to check out some of the most interesting green infrastructure projects in Omaha and re-visit established green infrastructure projects.  We will re-visit a tour stop from a past tour to see how things have changed and check out six new green infrastructure sites covering everything from CSO projects to wetlands to stream rehabilitation and more! Tour stops have been selected to include a variety of project approaches & consultants, various project scales, and various management practices.  CEUs available.


 Tour stops will include:
  • Hitchcock Park Bioretention CSO Sewer Separation
  • Harrison Street Detention Basins, Pocket Wetlands and Stream Rehabilitation
  • Albright Park Bioretention
  • Papio Valley Wet Detention Basin and Plant Selection
  • Porous Asphalt and Permeable Paver Demonstration
  • UNO Community Engagement Center Rain Garden
  • Surprise Tour Stop… Can you guess where it is?
Tour Guides:
  • Adam Wilmes, City of Omaha
  • Jim Theiler, City of Omaha CSO Program
  • Tom Bentley, Vireo
  • Mark Augustine, City of Council Bluffs
  • Steve Rodie; UNO Center for Urban Sustainability
  • Andy Szatko; City of Omaha Stormwater Program
  • Katie Pekarek; Nebraska Extension

 Register at go.unl.edu/OmahaGreenInfrastructureTour