

Stormwater Management: What Stormwater Is and Why It Is Important, G2238

Rain Garden Design - Site Selection and Sizing Guide,  EC1262

Stormwater Management: Green Roof Basics, G2244

Nebraska Bioretention and Rain Garden Plants Guide, EC1261.  Retail price $15.  Order from the UNL Marketplace.

Stormwater Management: How to Make a Rain Barrel, EC2001

Stormwater Management on Residential Lots, EC707 (3.3MB)

Stormwater Management: Terminology, EC701 (568 KB)

Stormwater Management:  Rainwater Harvesting with Rain Barrels, G2220 (2.4 MB)
This NebGuide provides information on the use of rain barrels for collecting and temporarily storing rainwater from rooftops; non-potable uses of collected rainwater; and rain barrel components, installation, and maintenance.

Stormwater Management: Disconnecting Downspouts and Impervious Surfaces, G2186 (501 KB)
This NebGuide provides an overview of several methods to eliminate direct connections between downspouts and/or impervious surfaces and municipal storm drain systems to reduce the amount of stormwater runoff and pollutants that leave a property.

Stormwater Management: Rainwater Harvesting in Residential-Scale Landscapes G2148 (501KB)
This NebGuide provides an overview of rainwater harvesting systems and the use of captured rainwater for landscape irrigation and other outdoor non-potable uses.

Stormwater Management: Landscape Water Conservation, G1859 (774 KB)

Stormwater Management: Yard Waste Management, G1855 (569 KB)

Stormwater Management: Water Pollution and Our Own Yards, G1848 (714 KB)

Stormwater Management: Pesticide Use in the Lawn and Garden, G1844 (865 KB)

Stormwater Management: Installing Rain Gardens in Your Yard, G1760 (673 KB)
The third in a series of three NebGuides on designing and installing rain gardens for an attractive way to reduce stormwater runoff.

Stormwater Management: Plant Selection for Rain Gardens in Nebraska, G1759 (624 KB)
The second in a series of three NebGuides on designing and installing rain gardens for an attractive way to reduce stormwater runoff.

Stormwater Management: Rain Garden Design for Homeowners, G1758 (900 KB)
The first in a series of three NebGuides on designing and installing rain gardens for an attractive way to reduce stormwater runoff.

Stormwater Slueth Looking
Running Rain_Falling

Stormwater Sleuth and Running Rain: Keeping It Clean! Slowing It Down!, MP97 (2.6 MB)
The Stormwater Sleuth comic book is part of a youth education kit being developed by the University of Nebraska- Lincoln Stormwater Management Team.  The purpose is to teach youth across Nebraska about water resources with a focus on watersheds, urban water runoff issues, and rainwater harvesting/green infrastructure.  The comic book is available for download at the link above or in print from UNL Marketplace.

More stormwater education resources for kids