Focused Watershed Projects
Focused watershed projects bring together the combined resources and knowledge of many agencies and organizations to solve local watershed issues. Focused watershed projects that involve University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension include the following. (By clicking on the linked titles you may go to the individual project Web site.)
Sand / Duck Creek is a watershed project in Saunders County. Duck Creek is a tributary of Sand Creek which will be the primary water source for the proposed Lake Wanahoo. Lake Wanahoo is a 637 surface-acre lake proposed to be built one mile north of Wahoo, NE. This lake is the keystone of the Sand Creek Environmental Restoration Project, a multifaceted project that will provide environmental restoration, flood control, and recreation benefits. The primary objective is to substantially increase landowner adoption of soil conservation and other best management practices within selected Sand Creek sub-watersheds. This project implements many practices to stop erosion and contamination.
Shell Creek Project Shell Creek is a tributary of the Platte River, and is located within the Lower Platte North Natural Resources District (LPNNRD). The Shell Creek watershed drains approximately 300,000 acres in parts of Boone, Colfax, Madison, and Platte Counties, and has nearly 1700 landowners/operators. This creek has a history of flooding which has frequently caused damage along its length, and in the towns of Newman Grove, Lindsay, and Platte Center. Erosion and sedimentation are major water quality issues, as well as degradation from other non-point sources and loss of aquatic and wildlife habitat. Shell Creek was on the Nebraska 1998 Section 303(d) list of impaired waters and has been designated as a priority watershed by the LPNNRD.
Best Management Practices (BMP's) are being promoted within this watershed, with the most emphasis being placed on continuous no-till cropping systems. Continuous CRP practices that utilize permanent vegetation for protecting soil and water, certain structural practices, septic system upgrades and sealing old/unused water wells are other practices being promoted with special cost-share funding.
Omaha Clean Lakes Watershed Projects have included developing watershed management plans and teaching runoff pollution prevention education to watershed residents and BMPs to the construction industry for controlling erosion and sediment losses from construction sites. Watershed management plans and information and education projects have been completed in the Zorinsky Lake, Standing Bear Lake, Cunningham Lake and Carter Lake watersheds.
Information presented within the watershed section of this Water Web site has been reviewed by University of Nebraska–Lincoln Watershed Management Team members Steve Tonn, Thomas Franti, Charlie Wortmann and David Shelton.