Publications on Watersheds & Watershed Management

Publications on Watersheds & Watershed Management

Sediment, nutrient, and pesticide losses in runoff are major pollutants of surface waters in the Midwest. Targeting of Watershed Management Practices for Water Quality Protection addresses best management practices in watersheds or landscapes to maximize the impact of investments in water quality protection. This full-color, 23-page document is intended as a resource for those who advise on or practice land and water management. The publication was developed through a partnership of Iowa State University, Kansas State University, the University of Missouri, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. UNL faculty co-authors: Charles Wortmann, Thomas Franti, Teshome Regassa, and Patrick Shea.

Pesticide Management for Water Quality Protection in the Midwest. Also available through the partnership outlined above. This 19-page publication discusses the benefits of appropriate pesticide use and highlights the risks associated with pesticide movement into ground and surface water, describes chemical processes and landscape characteristics that affect pesticide movement and behavior in soil and water, presents best management practices that can minimize off-site movement of pesticides, and details legislation and policies used to regulate the use of pesticides. UNL faculty co-authors: Mark Bernards, Thomas Franti, Maribeth Milner, Teshome Regassa, Patrick Shea, and Charles Wortman.

Additional publications available through this partnership effort:

Agricultural Phosphorus Management and Water Quality Protection in the Midwest. The movement of Phosphorus (P) from agricultural land to surface and groundwater is a complex process involving multiple pathways. This 22-page publication addresses the risk of P delivery to surface waters, assessment of this risk, and management options for reducing this risk.

Agricultural Nitrogen Management for Water Quality Protection in the Midwest. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for growth of crops. Land application of nitrogen in animal manure, biosolids and mineral fertilizer can increase the risk of nitrogen entering ground and surface waters. This 31-page publication provides an overview of factors influencing nitrogen loss to ground and surface waters. The implications of agricultural nitrogen management practices for nitrogen loss to ground and surface water are discussed.

Cost-effective Water Quality Protection in the Midwest.
Agricultural land is a major source of sediments, nutrients, pesticides, and other pollutants entering surface waters, and of nitrates and other mobile pollutants entering groundwater. This publication is a resource that watershed planners can use to understand opportunities to improve the cost-effectiveness of best management practices for water quality protection.