Agricultural Production Animal Manure Management

Policy & Regulations

Livestock Waste Regulations in Nebraska are administered by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality. NDEQ administers both state and federal (EPA) environmental regulations. The governing regulations are called Title 130, Livestock Waste Control Regulations.

Manure Rules not just for Large CAFOs

cover of 2019 nutrient management calendar
Have you ever been overwhelmed by the amount of manure regulations in Nebraska? Or anywhere? This article simplifies basic manure regulations. Manure rules can be hard to remember, but always remember your Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy representative is a great resource. Don’t be afraid to call them if you have questions. And, as always, the UNL manure team is here to help if called upon.

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Nebraska NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Conservation Activity Plan (CAP)

NRCS logo
A Conservation Activity Plan or CAP is a plan developed for producers to identify conservation practices to address a specific natural resource need. Applications are taken on a continuous basis with cut-off dates established to rank eligible applications. Eligible producers may apply at their local USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office.

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The Nebraska Livestock Siting Assessment Matrix

livestock building under construction
Growth in Nebraska’s livestock and poultry industries is greatly influenced by county zoning and local decision-making. Variation in policies among counties and in decisions made by county officials creates significant challenges for current and prospective livestock operations and for rural communities looking to remain vibrant and create new revenue to support local resources. The Nebraska Livestock Siting Assessment Matrix is approved for use and recently updated for continued dissemination by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture.

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Emergency Holding Pond Management During Wet Weather

Managing an open lot runoff holding pond during wet weather requires vigilance in monitoring and managing pond levels.
Many areas of Nebraska have experienced higher than normal precipitation events recently, with some areas receiving rainfall that far exceeded a 25-year, 24-hour storm event. This abnormally wet weather pattern has caused drainage and flooding issues in some parts of the state. The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality and Nebraska Extension would like to remind producers and landowners to be vigilant in monitoring lagoon and runoff holding pond levels.

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When is Movement of Manure Considered a “Manure Transfer”?

tractor hauling manure in tank
If you are an owner or employee on a permitted animal feeding operation, you know very well that maintaining complete and accurate manure management records is necessary to comply with your nutrient management plan (NMP). While you may have enough land within your operation to utilize all manure nutrients produced, it is quite common for manure to be transported from a livestock operation where it was produced to a neighboring crop farm for land application.

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