Animal Manure Management

Agricultural Production Animal Manure Management

Animal Manure Management

Recycling local manure nutrients before purchasing fertilizer is key to protecting the environment. Manure can be an economic “Win”, due to its fertility value, and a soil quality “Win”, due to its organic matter.  But it can also be a community risk, due to odors and pathogens. Our live educational programs, online courses, and resources provide science-based information on economically viable, environmentally sound manure handling systems that also comply with all regulations.

Drought Management Planning from the UNL Beef Team

example drought monitor map
Drought is a common occurrence in Nebraska. The UNL Beef Drought Management Planning page is designed to help beef producers design a drought management plan and to provide ideas to consider before and during a drought.

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The UNL Animal Manure Management Team Produces Monthly Graphics on Manure Application

example graphic with photo of a cow's nose and says "manure improves crop fertility and is locally available" and provides a link to
Every month the UNL Animal Manure Management Team produces graphics on the benefits of manure application and manure best practices and we want your help sharing them. The graphics are for educational purposes and for use by the public. Oftentimes the graphics we create include a link to an article featured on the UNL manure website,

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How much water do cattle need and what water problems should cattle producers watch for?

Water quantity and quality is critical to cattle health and performance.  Hot weather and drought conditions can impact both water quality and quantity for cattle.   How Much Water Do Cattle Need?    There is an easy answer, and there is a right answer. A general guideline is that lactating cows need two gallons of water per 100 pounds of bodyweight per day.
Water quantity and quality is critical to cattle health and performance. Hot weather and drought conditions can impact both water quality and quantity for cattle. How Much Water Do Cattle Need? There is an easy answer, and there is a right answer. A general guideline is that lactating cows need two gallons of water per 100 pounds of body weight per day.

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New Whitepaper Explores the Connection between Soil Health and Water Quality

nitrogen cycle
The Soil Health Nexus is excited to debut two new resources on the Soil Health Toolbox! Two Soil Health Nexus members, Francisco Arriaga, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Anna Cates, Assistant Professor and State Soil Health Specialist at the University of Minnesota, recently published a long-awaited whitepaper exploring the connection between soil health and water quality.

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Nebraska 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day Set for July 6

4Rs Field Day tent
This year’s 4Rs Field Day will focus on up-to-date research information and demonstrations on all three major crop nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

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