Crop Production

The production of crops is the heart of Nebraska's economy. Water is essential to all plant growth. Thus Nebraska's economy relies on a plentiful supply of water to produce crops – in both rainfed and irrigated environments. Several factors involved with producing crops interact with either water supply or water quality issues – or both.

Registration open for Nebraska Master Irrigator Design Summits

We are excited to launch Master Irrigator in Nebraska and would like your help to build it! Master Irrigator is a producer-directed comprehensive educational series focused on taking your irrigated acres to the next level. We are hosting a series of Design Summits bringing together farmers, industry, extension, and policy partners. We'll preview and discuss across four key themes:

Ready, Set, Spread: Manure Application Workshops Across Nebraska

Turning manure nutrients into better crop yields while protecting the environment will be the focus of ten Nebraska Extension Land Application Training workshops being held across the state this February and March.

Data Shows Limited Economic Impact from Western Bean Cutworm Control in 2024 Sprinkler Corn Competition

During the 2024 growing season, competitors in the sprinkler corn competition were given the opportunity to choose insecticide treatments targeting the western bean cutworm, a moth/caterpillar pest. This decision was based on scouting data gathered by Julie Peterson and her team on July 12, 15 and 19. The scouting report showed that a cumulative 4% of corn plants were infested with either eggs or newly hatched larvae.

The 2025 Nutrient Recordkeeping Calendars are Here!

The 2025 Nutrient Management Calendars are now available from the Nebraska Extension. This easy-to-use record keeping calendar tracks manure-related records for livestock and cropping operations. It serves as a guide for livestock operations that are required by the State of Nebraska to keep records. It was designed to be used by all sizes of livestock operations and includes all records required for operations permitted for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).

Manure for Crop Producers Workshops Offered December 10 and 12

A manure workshop will be held in conjunction with the Confronting Cropping Challenges programs at two locations, Randolph and Neligh. The manure workshop will help row-crop farmers Save Money and Resist Stress, and it is designed for crop producers using manure on their cropland. You do not need to own your own livestock to attend. Participants can choose to attend either the Confronting Cropping Challenges program, the manure workshop, or both.

Siphon Tubes: Setting Water to Grow Crops in Western Nebraska

A new water research series from Nebraska Extension, this article focuses on the history, construction and use of siphon tubes for crop irrigation.

Full Soil Water Profile Encouraged to Finish Crops Before Harvest

As surface/canal water usually curtails mid-September, extension recommends that Nebraska Panhandle producers ensure their soil water profiles are full to sustain crops through to harvest.

Soil Water Tension Sensors to Schedule Irrigation in East-central Nebraska

Nebraska growers share Week 2 results of their irrigation management decisions based on soil moisture sensor data, as part of a new collaboration with extension educators.

Irrigation Season Could Run Longer for Dry Bean Crop

Updates on crop progress, irrigation water deliveries and crop water use for growers in the Panhandle and western Nebraska.

Nitrogen Sources and Water Quality Field Day

Nebraska Extension will host a Nitrogen Sources and Water Quality Field Day on August 13, 2024, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at the Haskell Ag Lab near Concord, NE.

The Drought of 2023 Impact on Irrigation and What We Can Learn from It

The amount and timing of irrigation applied in recent years may have very little to do with what's needed this year. Review the factors before making a decision.

When you're ready to apply for EQIP...

Part 3 in a series of 3, this article explains the what you need to know when you want to apply for USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service's Environmental Quality Incentives Program, known as EQIP.

So, you're considering applying for EQIP...

Part 2 in a series of 3, this article explains the what to think about when considering applying for the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service's Environmental Quality Incentives Program, known as EQIP.

What is EQIP? And who is eligible?

Part 1 in a series of 3, this article explains the basics of the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service's Environmental Quality Incentives Program, known as EQIP.

How to Determine the Chemigation Injection Pump Setting for a Center Pivot with the End Gun Off and On

The key to knowing the correct setting for a chemigation pump is to first determine how many acres per hour the pivot will cover at the desired irrigation application depth or rate.

Storm-damaged Pivot Survey

Through this new survey, producers have the opportunity to assist Nebraska Extension with identifying factors that may contribute to increasing or decreasing storm damage to center pivots.

Soil-Water-Plant Interaction Basics

As irrigation season approaches, producers may find it beneficial to review the basics on how soil, water and plants all work together to grow crops.

Corn and Soybean Survival in Saturated and Flooded Soils

Several factors affect corn and soybean survival in flooded soils at early season growth stages. This Nebraska Extension article reviews considerations for growers concerned about impacts to seed germination for these crops.

Replanting Corn: Things To Do and Think About

Recent flooding events beginning May 20-21, 2024 in portions of the state have some concerned about the need to replant corn when waters recede. It’s important to assess potential recovery before making replant decisions.

Q/A: What Impact Does Flooding and Saturated Soils Have on Wheat and Alfalfa?

Extension insights on crop recovery, disease and harvest considerations for flooded wheat and alfalfa fields.