Pesticides need to be managed in such a way to optimize pest control while minimizing pesticide loss to the environment.

Manure for Crop Producers Workshops Offered December 10 and 12

A manure workshop will be held in conjunction with the Confronting Cropping Challenges programs at two locations, Randolph and Neligh. The manure workshop will help row-crop farmers Save Money and Resist Stress, and it is designed for crop producers using manure on their cropland. You do not need to own your own livestock to attend. Participants can choose to attend either the Confronting Cropping Challenges program, the manure workshop, or both.

How to Determine the Chemigation Injection Pump Setting for a Center Pivot with the End Gun Off and On

The key to knowing the correct setting for a chemigation pump is to first determine how many acres per hour the pivot will cover at the desired irrigation application depth or rate.

Replanting Corn: Things To Do and Think About

Recent flooding events beginning May 20-21, 2024 in portions of the state have some concerned about the need to replant corn when waters recede. It’s important to assess potential recovery before making replant decisions.

Chemigation Training in 2024

Chemigation training for Nebraskans will be offered at nearly 50 in-person sessions from now through April, as well as online.

Pesticide Safety Certification Training for Private Applicators in 2024

Producers who need to acquire or renew a private pesticide applicator license this year can choose between several options, including in-person training, online self-study programs, and an NDA-administered exam.

Nebraska On-Farm Research Network Releases 2022 Results Publication

The nearly 70 on-farm research studies conducted by Nebraska farmers in 2022 addressed fertility and soil management, cover crops, crop protection, equipment and non-traditional products, including biologicals.

Evaluation of Diverse Cover Crops Across Nebraska: Findings from Spring-planted Cover Crops in 2022

Results from 2022 variety trial research conducted on numerous cover crop species at five UNL research stations across Nebraska.

Private Pesticide Training Offered by Zoom for 2023

Zoom training sessions will focus on pesticides for corn and soybean on March 8 and April 4, and for pastures on March 21.

Nebraska On-Farm Research Network Meetings Begin Feb. 15

Nebraska farmers and agronomists are set to present results of their 2022 on-farm research studies on cover crops, variable rate seeding, starter fertilizer, biological products, seed treatments, variable rate nitrogen management and more.

Online Offerings for Pesticide Applicator Training, Chemigation Training

New for 2023, certain county extension offices will host computer kiosks that private applicators can use to complete the program, and extension educators will be hosting Zoom training sessions.

Chemigation Training in 2023

Chemigation training is offered at face-to-face events and online through the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, at no cost to the individual.

Commercial and Noncommercial Pesticide Applicator Training in 2023

In addition to in-person and online training sessions, individuals can recertify their pesticide applicator licenses at five conferences in 2023, including Nebraska Extension's Crop Production Clinics beginning Jan. 4 across the state.

Pesticide Safety Certification Training for Private Applicators in 2023

There are several important changes to Nebraska's application certification/licensing program for 2023, including age requirements, identification information, aerial licensure and more.

Manure Use and Composting following Application of Certain Herbicides

The prices of synthetic fertilizers have increased significantly over the last year leaving growers and even homeowners facing the decision of finding alternative sources of nutrients. One great option is the use of manure or compost from a local farm or from your own operation. The use of manure in gardening can loosen compacted soil, increase carbon in the soil, and reduce surface runoff and leaching all while providing nutrients that your plants need. While this option is great, it is important to be aware of the potential carry over of herbicides in manure from grazing animals.

Nebraska Extension Gears Up for 2021 Pesticide Safety Training

The Pesticide Safety Education Program’s (PSEP) primary goal is always to deliver quality training to Nebraska’s current and prospective applicators. Most agree that the best way to accomplish that is through conventional, in-person training sessions. For that reason, Nebraska Extension intends to host in-person training for both private and commercial/noncommercial applicators in 2021 while adhering to local and state health guidelines. This includes training for recertifying applicators and for people getting licensed for the first time (“initial” training). Most, if not all, training sites are expected to operate at reduced capacity during the training season. This will allow meetings to continue under state and local health guidelines, but will also mean space for participants will be limited. Some counties may schedule more meetings to accommodate for reduced capacities. Online training for private applicators is also available.

Nebraska Extension Publications on Pesticides

Pesticide Management for Water Quality Protection in the Midwest Cleaning Pesticide Application Equipment Rinsing Pesticide Containers

Pesticide Leaching & Runoff Management

Runoff and/or leaching can occur when pesticides are carried off the application site into water such as rivers, lakes and streams, wells, storm sewers, or into groundwater. Runoff/leaching can occur when too much pesticide is applied or is spilled on the surface, too much rainwater or irrigation water occurs in a short period of time, or highly water soluble pesticides are used. To gain a better understanding of how, where and why water runs off and how to prevent pollution read the following UNL publications:

What is a pesticide?

The public is becoming increasingly concerned about the harmful effects of pesticides on the environment. Protecting water and the environment is a key element of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP). It is essential that pesticide applicators understand all aspects of the pesticides they use in order to properly manage them. Whether you want to learn more about protecting human health, the environment, becoming certified and licensed, or improving your bottom line UNL Extension PSEP can help!

Reducing Off-Site Movement of Atrazine and Pesticides

The US Environmental Protection Agency is conducting an intermediate reassessment of atrazine label certification to ensure the safety of atrazine found in streams for aquatic life and human health. As part of this effort Syngenta was required to set up 40 monitoring stations in potential runoff sites across the Midwest.

Chemical & Physical Characteristics of Pesticides

Understanding the chemical and physical characteristics of a pesticide allows the applicator to make better decisions about which pesticide active ingredient and/or formulation to use for a particular situation. Two chemical characteristics of interest are water solubility and volatility. The more water soluble a pesticide is, the greater the potential for runoff and leaching. The more volatile a pesticide is, the greater the potential for drift.