Soil & Water Management

Agricultural Production Crop Production

Soil & Water Management

Various soil and water management practices exist which will minimize soil loss and evaporative water loss, while providing a good environment for crop establishment.

Dryland Cropping Systems to be Focus of Upcoming Nebraska Soil Health School

man stands near rainfall simulator during presentation
The first Nebraska Soil Health School of 2024 will feature presentations on the impact of tillage, biochar and cover crops, soil health measurement and carbon markets, and more.

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The Soil Health Exchange: Addressing Waterlogging Issues with Soil Health Management

tire tracks in muddy clay soil
Fields with diverse soil types can pose distinct challenges in water management, especially under pivot irrigation. In this article, UNL experts review factors that contribute to waterlogged soil and several practices that can improve drainage issues.

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Substituting Commercial Fertilizer with Manure a Focus of Annual Manure Training Events

nebraska map of 2024 LAT locations
It’s that time of year again and I’m here to help you stay on track for that New Year’s resolution to “Manure Better”. That wasn’t your resolution? I’m sorry, but it would be a great resolution and an achievable one at that, so add it to your list. My New Year’s resolution is to help crop farmers “Manure Better”. The annual land application (manure) training events are coming up soon and may be just the ticket to “help me, help you”.

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The gift that keeps giving: manure important resource for crop producers

  Leslie Johnson uses a mixture of candy to demonstrate the importance of collecting a good representative manure sample at the “Saving Money by Using Manure” workshop in West Point, Neb. Photo credit: Midwest Messenger
Manure is like a slow-release fertilizer for our crops, sort of like the gift that keeps on giving. Kristen Sindelar with the Midwest Messenger shares what she learned by attending the "Saving Money by Using Manure on Crops" workshop.

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The Soil Health Exchange: Terrace Effects on Soil Fertility and Yield

The Soil Health Exchange team shares insights and potential solutions for a southwest Nebraska farmer who has observed a significant yield decline in a field after terraces were built in 2010.

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