Agricultural Production Crop Production

Crop Production

The production of crops is the heart of Nebraska's economy. Water is essential to all plant growth. Thus Nebraska's economy relies on a plentiful supply of water to produce crops – in both rainfed and irrigated environments. Several factors involved with producing crops interact with either water supply or water quality issues – or both.

Scheduling the Last Few Irrigations of the Season Deserves More of Your Management Time Than Earlier Irrigations

Nebraska Irrigation Center Pivot
Scheduling the last few irrigations of the season deserves more of your management time than earlier irrigations because one must not only focus on keeping the crop wet enough to produce optimal yields, but also on using up enough of the stored soil water to lower the level to 40% of plant available water in the top four feet. This level will give about 2.4 inches of water storage room in sandy soils and about 5.5 inches in silt loam soils. Unfortunately, many irrigators leave the soil fairly wet with little to no storage room according to a recent study.

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Update on 2019 Tunnel Collapse and Canal Washout, Irrigation Water Outlook for 2021

Irrigation water flows through Tunnel No. 1 on the Goshen/Gering-Fort Laramie supply canal in 2021.

Irrigation is in full swing for the North Platte Valley in the Panhandle of Nebraska. 

Water deliveries by the four major irrigation districts (Pathfinder, Gering-Fort Laramie, Goshen and Farmers) are expected to be near normal. The districts hope to deliver water to growers through the first week in September.

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2021 Nebraska 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day

Precision Nitrogen Application

This FREE event on 4Rs of Nutrient Stewardship features knowledge and tools to improve nutrient management, soil health, crop yields and water quality. This is a great opportunity to learn about 4Rs strategies to improve crop yield and profits while protecting the environment.

Earn 4.5 CEUs on Nutrient Management.

Link to full article and registration information

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Water Law 101: Part 5, Groundwater - Wells

Furrow Irrigation
Part 5 of a series about basic water law in the United States, predominately in the western part of the country, and how it affects this finite resource. Water law can be traced back to Roman times and also has roots in English common law. Across the United States, it varies from state to state, and from East to West. When conflicts arise, courts usually determine the outcome, unless there are state or federal laws or previous case studies to resolve the issue. Exceptions to the law can arise from differences in each state’s water laws.

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