Crop Production

The production of crops is the heart of Nebraska's economy. Water is essential to all plant growth. Thus Nebraska's economy relies on a plentiful supply of water to produce crops – in both rainfed and irrigated environments. Several factors involved with producing crops interact with either water supply or water quality issues – or both.

Reverse Osmosis In-Service: Treating high nitrate concentrations in private wells

In 2023, the Nebraska Legislature passed LB1014.  This bill took 4 million dollars from the American Rescue Plan Act and allocated it to treating nitrate issues in Nebraska.  1.2 million dollars of that has been dedicated to a Reverse Osmosis Rebate Program that is directed at private well owners. The general idea of the program is that any individual private drinking water well owner can test their water AND if the nitrate concentration comes back above 10 ppm, they might be eligible for UP TO $4,000 support to get a reverse osmosis system to treat their nitrate.

Nebraska On-Farm Research Network Meetings Begin Feb. 15

Nebraska farmers and agronomists are set to present results of their 2022 on-farm research studies on cover crops, variable rate seeding, starter fertilizer, biological products, seed treatments, variable rate nitrogen management and more.

Rust-stained irrigation pipes hint at lack of nitrate in groundwater

According to study from Department of Natural Resources researchers, irrigation pivots stained with rust may indicate the absence of nitrate in the groundwater supplying the pivots. This information can potentially be used to help screen for areas for the potential absence of nitrate and, in an ideal world, could indicate areas at higher- or lower-risk for nitrate contamination before it becomes a problem.

Soils School to Feature Soil, Water and Nutrient Management Concepts

In this two-day course, NU experts will be discussing the latest research on soil fertility, precision ag for nitrogen management, cover crop effects on soil, soil carbon sequestration and more.

Commercial and Noncommercial Pesticide Applicator Training in 2023

In addition to in-person and online training sessions, individuals can recertify their pesticide applicator licenses at five conferences in 2023, including Nebraska Extension's Crop Production Clinics beginning Jan. 4 across the state.

Online Offerings for Pesticide Applicator Training, Chemigation Training

New for 2023, certain county extension offices will host computer kiosks that private applicators can use to complete the program, and extension educators will be hosting Zoom training sessions.

Chemigation Training in 2023

Chemigation training is offered at face-to-face events and online through the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, at no cost to the individual.

Pesticide Safety Certification Training for Private Applicators in 2023

There are several important changes to Nebraska's application certification/licensing program for 2023, including age requirements, identification information, aerial licensure and more.

Crop Residue Removal: Its Effect on Soil and Water Quality

Some crop growers have always removed crop residue for animal feed and bedding. Crop residue removal should be done in such a way that it benefits the grower without negatively impacting the health and productivity of the soil as well as the environment.

September Continues Warm, Dry Trend as Drought Worsens

Precipitation continued the trend of a general lack of moisture during the first month of fall. Our monthly statewide total came in at 27th driest and makes for the 12th driest three-month (July–September) period on record. At the start of October, nearly all of Nebraska is in a drought category, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. Portions of the northeast and southwest are in exceptional drought (D4). Temperatures averaged above normal for September and quite a few new daily high temperature records were set, most in the triple digits. The October outlook doesn’t appear to have much relief in sight with a higher-than-average probability of the warmth and dryness to continue. Given the dryness, fire danger will be high particularly on windy days.

Yucca Control and Fall Irrigation

Fall frosts have ended the life cycle of many annual plants. In some cases, below-freezing temperatures have reduced insect numbers and finally ended the harvest challenges of extended green soybean stems and corn plants. Despite the cold nighttime temperatures, many crops are still growing. So, the question arises: “How much irrigation should be applied in late fall for perennial and winter annual crops like alfalfa, wheat, rye and triticale?”

How To Adjust Rental Payments When Tenants Own the Center Pivot

Center pivots comprise three main components: the pump, power unit and pivot. Traditionally on leased cropland, the landowner owns the pump and pivot. Depending on the area of Nebraska and available energy sources, the power unit may be owned by the landowner or tenant. Ownership of the pump and pivot by the landowner creates greater flexibility for the management of the land when terminating the tenant or selling the property.

TAPS Irrigation Season Comes to End Amid Drought

Irrigation decisions in the Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) farm management competitions ranged widely this year, even amid a drought throughout the region. According to rainfall gauges located near the TAPS fields, 8.92 inches of rainfall was collected from May 1 to Sept. 30, 2022. The following is a brief summary of the irrigation decisions made in each competition this year.

Using a Cornstalk Nitrate Test to Evaluate Nitrogen Management Decisions

At the end of the season, a nitrate test can help determine whether the crop was under-, adequately or over-fertilized with nitrogen, resulting in the potential to significantly reduce input costs.

Another Dry Year: What to Know About Leftover Nitrogen in Soil Following Dry Conditions

With the two consecutive dry seasons in 2021 and 2022, there is likely a considerable amount of unused nitrogen left in the soil, which could be used for the 2023 crop. With the higher fertilizer prices, such fertility adjustments for next crop can be profitable as well as environment friendly. So, it is recommended to test your soil and account for all sources of nutrients for the next crop.

Scheduling the Last Few Irrigations of the Season

Factors such as the amount of water a soil can hold, the amount of water a crop will use until it reaches maturity, and the maximum allowable soil water depletion should be considered when deciding the last few irrigations of the season.

Manure Application Following Silage

With silage harvest coming up quickly, manure application will soon follow. Because silage is often the first crop to come off the field, it allows for earlier manure application and thus an earlier cleanout of pens before winter. As that manure application plan develops, include best stewardship practices for optimum rates and preferred application methods in final decisions.

Budget woes lead to weather station closures

Leading into the sixth year of appropriation shortfalls, Nebraska Mesonet weather stations that are not contracted specifically by clients are slotted for closure to cut costs and reduce labor overhead.

Sensors on the Pivot for Automated Irrigation Scheduling in the Great Plains

The main barriers to adoption of new technologies in irrigation include cost and ease of use. These scientific methods need to be cost-effective and feasible for farmers to adopt. Today, using soil water monitoring equipment provides the most effective method for farmers to make data-driven irrigation scheduling decisions to apply the minimal amount of water while achieving optimal yields. However, the costs in labor and equipment limit their use. So, research continues to focus on developing lower-cost methods to schedule irrigation that results in putting on just the right amount of water. Since producers do not have time to do detailed work with large amounts of data often generated using SIS methods, the automation of SIS methods would likely provide incentives to producers by saving their time and, simultaneously, reducing the irrigation applications and producing optimal crop yield.

La Nina Forecasted to Continue with Drought Expansion Likely According to CPC

Nebraska Climatologist Al Dutcher reviews the latest CPC forecast, which predicts drought intensification through the entire 2022 growing season.