Highboy Cover Crop Interseeding Project (HiCCIP) Demonstration

Checkout the Podcast "Planting Cover Crops with a Highboy Seeder" to learn more!


HiCCIP Demonstration Overview

The purpose of the Highboy Cover Crop Interseeding Project (HiCCIP) Demonstration is to demonstrate the effectiveness of broadcast interseeding cover crops before harvesting corn using a high clearance machine (around R5). The goal with the HiCCIP demonstrations is to address two barriers to adopting cover crops in Nebraska:

  1. getting enough cover crop growth prior to winter dormancy, and
  2. time and labor required to manage cover crops.

To address these barriers, University of Nebraska Extension is partnering with Lower Plate North, Lower Platte South, and Upper Big Blue Natural Resources Districts and the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy to utilize a High Clearance Broadcast Cover Crop Interseeding system for broadcast seeding cover crops in priority watersheds with water quality issues. 

HiCCIP Waiting List

Cover crops are currently being interseeded for 2023.  The project covers the cost of cover crop seed, machine and operator.  We currently have approximately 25 farms and 3,000 acres participating in the 2023 project year. Full details on what it means to be a partner on this project are in the 2023 Producer Handout.

Are you interested in participating in fall 2025? SIGN UP HERE to to join the waitlist for 2025.  We will take signups through May 15, 2025.  At that time, farms will be evaluated to see if the fit the project priorities. Signing up just lets us know that you are interested. It does not commit you to the project, nor does it guarantee participation in 2025. If you sign up, you will receive a phone call in late May 2025, to discuss more details and see if you are still interested.  E-mail John Nelson, Extension Educator with questions jnelson158@unl.edu.    

Sign up to participate in HiCCIP

If you are interested in participating in HiCCIP and would like more information as it becomes available, please fill out this survey.

Highboy Cover Crop Field Day Dates

Field Days - 2024

  • September 5, 2024 - North Platte, Nebraska
  • September 9, 2024 - Schuyler, Nebraska    
  • September 17, 2024 - Ithaca, Nebraska    


Past Field Days - 2023    

  • September 21, 2023 - Davey, Nebraska
  • September 18, 2023 - Waco, Nebraska
  • September 14, 2023 - Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska
  • September 5, 2023 - Columbus, Nebraska

Fall 2022 Season

In 2022, 29 producers partnered with HiCCIP to demonstrate broadcast interseeding of cover crops near the R5 stage of corn in their fields. Producer fields were located in the Shell Creek watershed, the Wahoo Creek watershed, the Lower Platte South NRD water quality priority areas, and priority water quality areas in the Upper Big Blue NRD. Fields with irrigation and on highly trafficed road were prioritized. HiCCIP provided the machine, operator and seed to participating producers on up to 200 acres. 

HiCCIP - 2022 Demonstration Field Locations

2023 Land/Producer Eligibility

Land shall be located in the Wahoo Creek watershed, Shell Creek watershed, the eastern portion of Beaver Creek and Lincoln Creek watersheds, or priority areas in the Lower Platte South NRD. Fields must be currently planted to corn. Each participant may enroll up to 200 acres where cover crop seed costs are covered. Priority will be given to land with irrigation and in high‐traffic areas.

Project Photos

2022 Application Process

An interested producer should contact their local NRD office (Upper Big Blue, Lower Platte North, or Lower Platte South) to determine land eligibility and prepare an application. Applications will be reviewed by NRD and University of Nebraska Extension staff. Terms and Conditions are listed in the Producer Handout. Application Deadline: July 15, 2022.

  1. Contact your local NRD office for an application or visit https://go.unl.edu/ccdemo.
  2. Submit application to NRD. You can either email the application to your local NRD or drop off the application in person.
  3. Applicant may be the producer (either landowner or operator) with corresponding social security number or tax id number, but the application must have the signature of the landowner, or legal representative of the landowner.