Annual Plan Sample

NMP Section 12-14. Annual Plan Sample

12. Individual Field Expected Yields and Nutrient Requirements
13. Crop Available Nutrients
14. Action Plan with Field Maps


Several crop nutrient plan tasks must be completed annually based upon the most recently available information for soil tests, manure analysis, irrigation water nitrate concentration, previous years– crop performance, and other information gathered by the producer. Since this information is not typically available at the time of a permit application, estimating crop nutrient requirements as part of a permit is, at best, an educated guess made without essential information.
This section illustrates the implementation of Sections 7, 8 and 9 into an annual plan. The underlying principles and assumptions detailed previously are used to estimate crop nutrient requirements, crop nutrient credits, and manure nitrogen and phosphorus application rates.

Reference Materials:

Please download (Save) these forms and software files to your local computer.

Nebraska CNMP – Land Application Workbook
Form 17 - Crop Available Manure Nitrogen *pdf version (1 page, 93KB); MS Word Fill-In-Form (1 page)
Form 18 - Annual Field Plan for Nitrogen* pdf version (1 page, 84KB); MS Word Fill-In-Form (1 page)
Form 19 - Annual Field Plan for Phosphorus *pdf version (1 page, 90KB); MS Word Fill-In-Form (1 page)
Form 20 - Action Plan *pdf version (1 page, 86KB); MS Word Fill-In-Form (1 page)

aerial photo of field

Photo: Fields Owned or Managed by Beef Case Study Feeding Operation (click on image for enlarged view)

 (*pdf version, enlarged view, Aerial Photo of Fields Managed by Beef Case Study)

Section 12-14 Annual Plan Components Examples:

Section 12 Example: Individual Field Expected Yields and Nutrient Requirements*
Section 13 Example: Crop Available Nutrients*
Section 14 Example: Action Plan*


Manure Use Plan for Nebraska: .xls Spreadsheet;* Instructions: *pdf version
Estimates the nutrient value of manure and accurately credits those nutrients against the nutrient requirements of a crop. Maintains an 11-year record for 25 fields for manure and fertilizer application rate plans. This spreadsheet can be used for creating and maintaining an annual nutrient plan.

The Manure Management Planner and Plan Generator (MMP) is a program developed and located at Purdue University for making nutrient management plans for crop and animal feeding operations.
Manure Management Planner Software & Instructions

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* NOTE on using various file types:
   –¢ PDF files: To read these files, you will need the current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
   –¢ MS Word files: version 2000 or newer
   –¢ MS Excel (.xls) files: version 2003 or newer
   –¢ Video: Windows Media Video Real Player


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