Land Resources Inventory

NMP Section 2: Land Resources Inventory


To identify all potential land application sites owned or managed by the animal feeding operation. Site characteristics important to agronomic and environmental issues should be presented.

NRCS checklist for land application site inventory suggests assembling the following:

  • Maps (aerial photos, soils maps, USGS maps) for the land application areas that show:
    • Sensitive areas: Sandy soils, surface water (streams, lakes, frequently flooded sites, wetlands, and drainage courses), ephemeral and classic gully erosion areas
    • Soils and soil description
    • Existing land treatment practices (buffers, waterways, terraces, etc.)
  • Cropping history
    • Legal description
    • Land use (dryland, irrigated cropland, pasture, hayland) and farmable acres
    • Land ownership
    • Crop information (crop rotation and yield), nutrient application
  • Tillage inventory necessary for RUSLE2 and/or P-Index risk assessment
  • Other land application site and nutrient management information (Often maintained in farm records or other parts of permit application or NMP.)
    • Manure analysis
    • Equipment calibrations
    • Crop consultant reports
    • Irrigation water analysis
    • Manure sales or transfers

(NDEQ Requirement: NDEQ requires land application agreements for sites not owned by the animal feeding operation.)


(*pdf version of Example including aerial & topographical map)

NMP Section 2: Land Resources Inventory

Reference Materials:

Form 4 - Inventory of Land Application Sites for Manure Application:* pdf version (1page, 73KB); MS Word Form version* (1 page)

Nebraska NRCS uses an Inventory Job Sheet* pdf version (10 pages, 726 KB), for all aspects of a Comprehensive NMP (CNMP).

Nebraska Aerial Photographs
NE Department of Natural Resources maintains an interactive aerial map site.

USDA Web Soil Survey

USGS Topographical Maps

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* NOTE on using various file types:
   –¢ PDF files: To read these files, you will need the current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
   –¢ MS Word files: version 2000 or newer
   –¢ MS Excel (.xls) files: version 2003 or newer
   –¢ Video: Windows Media Video Real Player


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