Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) Tools
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The following resources will identify the primary topics to be addressed by a Nebraska Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) for the cropping system. Each section includes:
- the desired outcome or purpose,
- web links to appropriate resources for developing an NMP, and
- an example NMP for a 2,500 head Nebraska feedlot.
Caution: This discussion addresses only the crop nutrient plan components of a NMP or CNMP. Additional issues must be addressed including manure storage, land treatment, odor management, and other planning requirements of an NDEQ–s permit or an NRCS CNMP.
- Section 1. Animal inventory
- Section 2. Land resources inventory
- Section 3. Land application equipment inventory
Strategic Plan: Does your farm have the potential for managing manure nutrients?
- Section 4. Manure nutrient production and land needs
- Section 5. Manure transfer or land application site agreement
- Section 6. Emergency response plans
Strategic Plan: Decision process to follow in annual planning
- Section 7. Estimating crop nutrient requirements and credits
- Section 8. Estimating manure nitrogen application rates
- Section 9. Estimating manure phosphorus application rates
- Section 10. Protocols for soil and manure sampling
- Section 11. Producer instructions and adjustments
Strategic Plan: Annual plan sample
Example NMP
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Author: Rick Koelsch, University of Nebraska
The author wishes to extend his appreciation for the peer reviews completed by Diego Ayala, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, and Alan Rosenboom, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality.
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