Elizabeth Exstrom - Extension Educator

Fire Smart Landscaping

Wildfires were headline news in 2023, including the Lahaina, Hawaii fire and scores of fires across Canada and Nebraska. It’s comfortable to think a devastating wildfire can’t happen in your area, but it’s better to be aware of the possibility and be prepared. Learn the aspects of Fire Smart Landscaping including creating a defensible space, planning ahead for a fire event, and management of the surrounding landscapes to decrease potential fire damage.  

Don't Let Leaves Smother the Turf

Leaves. Useful to the tree. Great for jumping in. Not much fun to clean up. Find out what you should be doing with those fallen leaves to let them help you and your landscape in the long run.

Water Conservation in the Vegetable Garden

There are so many decisions to be made when it comes to vegetable gardening. Selecting the right location, determining what to plant, even how many plants you might need. One topic that might not have crossed your mind is how to make the vegetable garden more water conscious. Conserving water in the vegetable garden may sound more difficult than it really is.