Pig Production Environmental Sustainability Footprints

Pig Production Environmental Sustainability Footprints

farm environmental footprint banner
A Nebraska Extension pilot project is assisting pork producers in calculating their swine farm environmental sustainability footprints in a joint effort with the University of Minnesota Extension.  Sustainability-minded consumers increasingly want to hear more about how the pork they enjoy eating makes productive use of limited resources, like energy, water and land.  Without having good information, it can be a challenge to communicate effectively about the environmental sustainability of pork production.  The Pig Production Environmental Footprint Calculator  estimates the greenhouse gas emissions, water and land use involved in sow and grow-finish production and costs associated with production inputs.  Manure management is one of the areas influencing these environmental footprints.  The results can help producers learn more about sustainability measures and identify areas for potential improved resource utilization and cost savings on their farms. 

Pork producers are encouraged to find out more about the project by visiting the Swine Footprint project website or contacting Extension specialists Amy Schmidt (402/472-0877) or Rick Stowell (402/472-3912) directly.  During the pilot project, producers have the opportunity to confidentially assess their own operations with assistance provided in using the calculator.