Nebraska P-Index
(Revised December 2013)
Spreadsheet tool used for:
- assessment of the risk of P loss from agricultural land to surface waters
- land management planning
- evaluation of management practices
- education of factors contributing to P loss
- regulation of P application to agricultural land
The 2012 P-Index version represents UNL Extension's recommendation for assessment of risk of P runoff from agricultural land based upon the current state of the science. The 2012 P-Index is currently under review by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality. Individuals using the 2012 P-Index should confer with NRCS and NDEQ as to its acceptability for planning processes managed by these organizations.
Instructions: Nebraska PI Documentation (*.pdf) and Troubleshooting Guide (*.pdf) | Software: 2012 Nebraska P-Index (.xls)
See a tutorial to learn to learn how to use this tool.
Register your copy of the Nebraska P-Index
Beef Feed Nutrient Management Planning Economics (BFNMP$)
Beef Feed Nutrient Management Planning Economics (BFNMP$) is a comprehensive program connecting feed ration characteristics, manure storage type and cropping systems impacts on the value of manure as a fertilizer. This tool estimates:
- Manure mass and nutrient content
- Mass and nutrient losses during housing, storage, and land application
- Land requirements for agronomic utilization of the manure
- Labor and equipment time requirement and cost for manure handling and land application and travel distance of manure hauling
- Potential nutrient value of manure
Instructions: Beef Feed Nutrient Management Planning Economics (*.pdf) | Software: BFNMP$ (.zip)
Nebraska Manure Value Calculator
A simple calculator (*.xlsm) for the Value of Manure is available to correspond with the NebGuide: Calculating the Value of Manure for Crop Production, G-1519
See a tutorial to learn to learn how to use this tool.
(Under Title 130 transfers of manure"offsite" must be documented, however the "value" of the product does not.)

Odor Footprint Tool
With the growing diversity of land uses in rural areas - agricultural, residential, recreational – it is important to have tools that can provide objective information about air quality issues associated with livestock production. The Odor Footprint Tool (OFT) estimates the frequency of annoying odor events around an existing or proposed livestock facility and uses this information to determine minimum separation distances that should be maintained around those facilities and to help in siting decisions. Another use of the tool is to compare odor control technology options for a facility. The separation distances take into account the size and type of facilities on the site, use of proven odor control technology, regional weather records, prevailing tolerance levels for odor, and local terrain.
- Overview of the OFT – A number of resources are available to help you understand the value of visualizing a livestock facility's odor footprint, possible uses for the Odor Footprint Tool results, information you will need to use the tool and how to decide which version best fits your needs.

- Spreadsheet version of the OFT – Computer-based version simplifies determination of directional setback distances. This time-saving factor can be especially beneficial when several scenarios are being considered.
- User's Manual for Spreadsheet version Step-by-step instructions for using the spreadsheet
- OFT Spreadsheet (.xls)
- Worksheet version and Handouts for the OFT & Setback curves. User determines setback distances manually using a worksheet and graphs (a computer is not required once this resource is downloaded). The main advantage of using the worksheet version is that the contributing factors to odor emissions are more evident as the user goes through the steps to get directional setback distances, and this process helps identify where priority odor control should be focused.
Manure Management Planner
(Purdue University Web-tools)
Program developed at Purdue University for making nutrient management plans for crop and animal feeding operations. User enters information about the operation's fields, crops, storage, animals, and application equipment in order to allocate manure to fields for the duration of the plan (1-10 years).
Tool determines if the available land, manure storage facilities, and application equipment are sufficient for environmentally-sound manure use.
Windows-based software: Manure Management Planner Instructions are included at the Purdue Web site; but click here for additional help downloading and installing the software.
Additional tools available at the Purdue Web site:
Crop Nutrient Recommendations
Manure Nutrient Availability
For quick calculation of fertilizer requirements or manure nutrient availability, respectively.
Software can be downloaded from the Purdue MMP Website.
Whole Farm Nutrient Balance
Measuring tool can identify livestock and poultry operations that are accumulating or concentrating excess nutrients and evaluate the environmental benefit of alternative nutrient management strategies. Understanding the whole farm's nutrient balance and nutrient sources is critical to developing a nutrient management strategy. NM strategies can reduce imbalances and achieve environmentally sustainable operations.
(Not a required procedure under Title 130)
Instructions: Estimating a Whole Farm Nutrient Balance (.pdf ) | Software: Whole Farm Nutrient Balance (.xls)
For additional information : Lesson 2 of LPES Curriculum
Nutrient Inventory
Tool estimates:
- the amount of N, P, and feces excreted
- the quantity of available nutrients after storage and land application losses
- land requirement for utilizing remaining nutrients at an agronomic rate
Estimates of excretion are based upon a national ASABE standard released in 2005. Land requirement estimates are based upon the USDA NRCS Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook, Chapter 11.
Instructions:Manure Nutrient and Land Requirement Estimator (.pdf) | Software: Nutrient Inventory (.xls)
(Similar procedures are used by NDEQ to evaluate a permit application under Title 130).
Manure Use Plan
The Manure Utilization Planner is used to estimate the nutrient value of manure and credit those nutrients against the nutrient requirements of a crop. This information is combined with other fertilizer and nutrient credits for determining a nitrogen and phosphorus balance of individual fields. The Planner provides a summary action plan for the recommended manure and fertilizer application rates selected by the producer.
Instructions: Manure Use Plan for Nebraska (.pdf) | Software: Manure Use Plan (.xls)
(This information can assist a producer in completing a Nutrient Management Plan which is required under Title 130.)
Other Software Packages
Calculate cost of spreading manure with the Distribution Cost Analyzer (U. of Missouri).
UNL Corn N Calculator (.xls)
Note: The University of Nebraska is not an endorser of Microsoft.
Direct links to software programs:
Nebraska P Index - and Troubleshooting Guide -
Beef Feed Nutrient Management Planning Economics (BFNMP$) -
Nebraska Manure Value Calculator -
Nebraska Odor Footprint Tool -
Manure Management Planner -
Whole Farm Nutrient Balance -
Nutrient Inventory -
Manure Use Plan -