When you're ready to apply for EQIP...

When you're ready to apply for EQIP...

Applicants may apply by completing the NRCS-CPA-1200 Application Form and Appendix which is available from the local field office or on-line and submit it to their local NRCS Field Service Center.

Why do I need a Technical Service Provider (TSP)?
  • To develop a CNMP (102 and 101)
  • Design a waste storage structure using code 313
How do I find a TSP?
Technical Service Providers (TSPs) can be found on NRCS Registry of TSPs website under “finding a TSP”.

Filter by state (Nebraska), county (All Counties) and practice code:

  • To Locate TSPs that can develop CNMPs, choose practice code or name “102 (CPA) Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan” or “101 (DIA) CNMP Design and Implementation Activity”.
  • To Locate TSPs that can assist with Designing a Waste Storage Structure choose practice code or name “313 Waste Storage Facility”.
Click apply filters. A list of TSPs with contact information will be generated and is printable. 
What is a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP)?
  • CNMP Is an Inventory of the livestock operation and land application sites.
Why do I need a CNMP to apply for EQIP $$ for Manure Storage?
  • Adequate land application acres for the manure nutrients must be owned and/or operated by the participant.
  • Must include planned practices, estimated quantities, and planned construction dates.
  • Nutrient Management for the manure (per UNL requirements) must be implemented successfully within an awarded contract period for three years.
Using CPA102 and DIA101 funds for the development of a CNMP will postpone the EQIP application for the waste storage structure.
  • Alternatively, the CNMP can be developed by a TSP using private funds.
  • Existing CNMPs that meet NRCS requirements are acceptable with the addition of EQIP practices.

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This article was reviewed by Agnes Kurtzhals, James Sueper