Nitrogen Sources and Water Quality Field Day

Nitrogen Sources and Water Quality Field Day

Nebraska Extension will host a Nitrogen Sources and Water Quality Field Day on August 13, 2024, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at the Haskell Ag Lab near Concord, NE. 

As corn production continues to increase in Nebraska, issues associated with nitrogen management, soil, and water quality have gained more public attention. Both state agencies and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have increased efforts in addressing these concerns in recent years. 

This field day, titled “Building Connections Among Nitrogen Sources, Soil Management, and Water Quality” will highlight many of the research efforts underway at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and its collaboration efforts with local (Natural Resource Districts), state (Nebraska Corn Board) and federal agencies (USDA NIFA, USDA NRCS) in addressing these issues. 

Event Highlights 

  • In-Field Demonstration: See lysimeters in action as they detect nitrate leaching, and learn about sensors that provide valuable information on crop nitrogen status to inform in-season nitrogen decisions. 
  • Presentations: 
    • Organic vs. inorganic nitrogen movement in the soil 
    • Nebraska’s groundwater legacy 
    • Crop sensor-based, in-season nitrogen management in corn 
    • Connections among nitrogen sources, soil management, and water quality 
    • The role of manure in crop fertility plans, including the use of precision technologies 

Registration and Contact Information: 

Lunch is provided and registration is requested to make sure there is enough for everyone. Register at  

For questions, contact: 

Javed Iqbal, UNL Assistant Professor at or (402) 472-1432.  

Amy Schmidt, UNL Professor at or (402) 472-0877.