Lawn and Landscape Irrigation


The good news about lawn and landscape irrigation is that you can have your cake and eat it, too! Lawns and landscapes can be designed and maintained to be good looking and water conserving.

Soils and zones

Irrigation Zones

Start by building lawn and landscape soils with sufficient water retention for plant growth, yet allow excess water to properly drain away. Once good soils are in place, create water zones. Water zones are distinct sections of your property which contain plants with similar water needs. The first unique zone is the turf which should be separate from the other plants in the landscape; further subdivisions lead to greater water efficiency.

Right plant, right place

Landscape Bed

Choose well-adapted water-saving ornamentals and turfgrasses. This is a key component of the "right plant, right place" concept of selecting plants for the growing conditions of the landscape. Other selection criteria include plant height, fall color, disease resistance, bloom color and timing, winter appeal and level of maintenance.

Right equipment


It's crucial to match the irrigation equipment with the size, shape and type of landscape being watered. Knowing when to water for best plant absorption and health is another key water-saving method.


Water application measurement both on lawns and ornamental plantings is one of the best steps towards a water-efficient landscape. Measuring the output of your sprinklers is easy to do, and if you make adjustments based on the results, you'll save money on your water bill.

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Information presented within the Lawn & Landscape Irrigation section of this Water Web site has been reviewed by University of Nebraska - Lincoln Educator John Fech.

Did you know?

Wise Water Use Publications Available!

Make Every Drop Count on Your Lawn -PDF only (120 KB)
Information on efficient water usage on the lawn.

Make Every Drop Count in Your Landscape -PDF only (120 KB)
Information on efficient water usage in the landscape.

Make Every Drop Count In Your Home -PDF only  (502 KB)
Water use and conservation tactics for property owners.

Visit these locations to see water-conserving gardens up close and in action!