Protocols for Manure and Soil Sampling

NMP Section 10: Protocols for Manure and Soil Sampling


This section defines procedures to be used for soil testing and manure analysis. These activities are unlikely to change from one cropping year to the next; as such, update this document only as the need arises. This planning document should be submitted as part of the permit application to NDEQ.

The Nutrient Management Activities Plan for Soil Testing summarizes the specific activities related to soil sampling procedures, sample timing and frequency; and laboratory analysis. In addition, identify in this section the use of other indicators of crop nitrogen status.

The Nutrient Management Activities Plan for Manure Nutrient Analysis summarizes the specific activities implemented for manure analysis including sampling procedures, manure sample frequency and timing; and specifics of analysis.


(*pdf version of Examples)

table soil sampling

Section 10 Example:

Additional Crop Nutrient Status Measurements

Section 10 Example:

table manure sampling


Reference Materials:

Nebraska CNMP – Land Application Workbook:
Nutrient Management Activities Plan for Manure Nutrient Analysis Form *pdf version (1 page, 67 KB): MS Word Form (1 page)

Nutrient Management Activities Plan for Soil Testing Form *pdf version (1 page, 59KB); MS Word Form ( 1 page)

Sampling Manures for Nutrient Analysis NebGuide

Manure Testing: What to Request? NebGuide

Guidelines for Soil Sampling, NebGuide

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* NOTE on using various file types:
   –¢ PDF files: To read these files, you will need the current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
   –¢ MS Word files: version 2000 or newer
   –¢ MS Excel (.xls) files: version 2003 or newer
   –¢ Video: Windows Media Video Real Player


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