Water News Archive

Manure Application Options for Beef and Dairy Systems

When it comes to animal manure from feedlots being applied to the land in Nebraska, developing management practices that efficiently uses the nutrients from manure while being environmentally sustainable can be a complicated process. This article introduces some land application approaches for beef and dairy feedlot systems.

Dietary Strategies to Reduce Nitrogen and Phosphorus Excretion in Feedlot Cattle

Dietary nutrients, specifically nitrogen and phosphorus, are excreted in manure from feedlot cattle. Dietary strategies, including calculated protein supplementation and phase-feeding programs, can be implemented by cattle feeders to decrease nutrient excretion and improve nutritional efficiency of the animal.

Naturally Occurring Contaminants – Part 4 of a Series – Arsenic

There are naturally occurring elements and minerals within Nebraska geology, and with that, it is not uncommon to find them in Nebraska’s groundwater. This month the Spotlight Series will continue with Arsenic. Arsenic

Periods of Critical Water Needs in the Vegetable Garden

In the vegetable garden, an even supply of water throughout the growing season is directly related to quality and yield of vegetables harvested from the garden. Generally, vegetable demand for water is high during the first few weeks of growth following germination, right after transplanting, and during flowering and fruit development. However, with each vegetable crop there are particular developmental stages when having a good supply of water is critical.

Water Law 101: Part 5, Groundwater - Wells

Part 5 of a series about basic water law in the United States, predominately in the western part of the country, and how it affects this finite resource. Water law can be traced back to Roman times and also has roots in English common law. Across the United States, it varies from state to state, and from East to West. When conflicts arise, courts usually determine the outcome, unless there are state or federal laws or previous case studies to resolve the issue. Exceptions to the law can arise from differences in each state’s water laws.

Applying Manure Management Concepts On-Farm

This year’s Land Application Recertification sessions, called Applying Manure Management Concepts On-Farm, are scheduled to be in-person at many locations across the state in June, with one taking place in May in Lexington. Manure trainings earlier this year were held virtually, but we’re making progress, and that means we’re looking forward to seeing everyone in-person for the next manure event.

The Benefits of a Vegetative Treatment Area on Your Livestock Operation

Vegetative Treatment Areas (VTA) are used in multiple Nebraska cattle operations to help improve and maintain water and nutrient quality. This article will explain what a VTA is and how it works. It will then detail how valuable nutrients contained in the manure will be captured and reused. It will also describe what size of feeding operations should install a VTA. Lastly, it will detail how a producer can get assistance to install one.

The Role of the Odor Footprint Tool in Livestock Nuisance Litigation

This is a summary of the webinar “The Role of the Odor Footprint Tool in Livestock Nuisance Litigation” given on Jan. 21, 2021, as part of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Department of Agricultural Economics Extension Farm and Ranch Management team’s weekly webinar series.

Variable Rate Manure Applications Based Upon Management Zones

There are many challenges associated with variable rate manure applications such as variable nutrient content within the manure source and nutrient availability, application equipment, and prescription methodology. However, in many cases, these challenges are outweighed by environmental and economic benefits from variable rate manure applications.

Watering During Turf Establishment

If damage from voles, skunks, ice, cold temperatures or other factors have left your lawn a bit on the thin side, mid-spring is a good time to thicken up the stand. Likewise, if your landscape has a bare area due to construction or a major change, turf establishment is probably on the agenda. After the soil temperature has warmed to 50-55 degrees F for several days, been prepared with a power rake or core cultivator, the seeds dropped onto the bare soil or opened up turf stand and raked lightly with an upturned leaf rake, the next step is water to start the germination process.

Antibiotic use on food animals and its effect on antimicrobial resistance spread and human health.

Most people alive today have never known a world without antibiotics. Antibiotics became widely used to treat bacterial infections in the 1930s and ‘40s, and were quickly labeled a “miracle drug”. But, as widespread use of antibiotics evolved, so did the discovery of antibiotic resistant bacteria. And we have now entered an era where antibiotic resistance is considered one of the biggest worldwide public health challenges of our time.

Water Law 101: Part 4, Groundwater Terms and Definitions

Part 4 of a six-part series about basic water law in the United States, predominately in the western part of the country, and how it affects this finite resource. Water law can be traced back to Roman times and also has roots in English common law. Across the United States, it varies from state to state, and from East to West. When conflicts arise, courts usually determine the outcome, unless there are state or federal laws or previous case studies to resolve the issue. Exceptions to the law can arise from differences in each state’s water laws.

Water Law 101: Part 3, Surface Water Administration Terms and Definitions

This is the third in a six-part series of articles covering basic water law in the United States, predominately in the western part of the country, and how it affects this finite resource. Water law can be traced back to Roman times and also has roots in English common law. Across the United States, it varies from state to state, and from East to West. When conflicts arise, courts usually determine the outcome, unless there are state or federal laws or previous case studies to resolve the issue. Exceptions to the law can arise from differences in each state’s water laws.

What poultry and livestock have to offer to your cropland

Nebraska’s livestock industry can benefit from manure generated in the integrated animal and corn agricultural system. Farmers, who only run crop operations, can also benefit from animal manure field applications.

Water Law 101: Part 2, Other Water Rights

This is the second in a six-part series of articles covering basic water law in the United States, predominately in the western part of the country, and how it affects this finite resource. Water law has a long history. It can be traced back to Roman times and also has roots in English common law. Across the United States, it varies from state to state, and from East to West. When conflicts arise the courts usually determine the outcome, unless there are state or federal laws or previous case studies to resolve the issue. Exceptions to the law can arise from differences in each state’s water laws.

Water Law 101: Part 1, the Basics

This the first in a six-part series of articles covering basic water law in the United States, predominately in the western part of the country, and how it affects this finite resource.

Naturally Occurring Elements in Groundwater Part 2 of a Series — Iron and Manganese

There are naturally occurring elements and minerals within Nebraska’s geology, and with that, it is not uncommon to find them in Nebraska’s groundwater. Calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, fluoride, arsenic, and uranium are among the elements found in Nebraska. This month, the spotlight series continues with iron and manganese. Iron & Manganese

Turf Fertilization for Healthy Lawns and Water Resources

The lawn fertilization season is just around the corner. For a healthy turf and to help protect water resources, following the traditional four step program may not be the best route to go. A well-managed turf holds soil in place and acts as a filter for potential water pollutants. However, fertilizing more than is needed, at the wrong time of the season, or misapplying fertilizer can result in nutrient runoff with the potential to degrade water resources.

Manure Phosphorus and Water Quality

Manure produced in animal feeding operations is a source of fertilizer that can be used to reduce our dependency on commercial fertilizers. Manure contains several essential nutrients that crops that crops rely on to grow, most notably nitrogen and phosphorus. Proper management of manure before, during, and after land application helps to slow down the contamination of our streams and reservoirs.