How can animal manure help my soils be healthier and more productive?

Manure application improves your soil's health and productivity.  This article introduces those benefits for soils' physical, chemical, and biological characteristics.
Manure application improves your soil's health and productivity. This article introduces those benefits for soils' physical, chemical, and biological characteristics.

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Video Explains Swine Farm Anaerobic Digester

photo of covered lagoon at Kluthe farm
Nebraska’s first On-Farm Generator is powered by methane that comes from swine manure through an anaerobic digester. The farm is operated by Danny and Josie Kluthe of Dodge, NE and the alternative enterprise is called Olean Energy.

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Composted cattle manure is NOT detrimental to sugar beet production

beet harvester used in the research at the UNL Panhandle Research and Extension Center
In sugar beet production, most farmers do not have an option of manure as an alternative N source since N availability from manure can occur too late in the season and affect sugar quality. Composted cattle manure as different as it is from fresh manure might be a viable alternative N source for sugar beet production.

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Introducing New Bazile Groundwater Management Area Extension Educator

Jeremy Milander soil sampling at Haskell Ag Lab
Please welcome Jeremy Milander to Nebraska Extension. Jeremy will assume his new role as an Assistant Extension Educator in mid-April and will have specific responsibilities in the Bazile Water Management Area in northeast Nebraska. He will work with four Natural Resources Districts to develop an educational program aimed at stabilizing the nitrate concentration in ground water. Jeremy will also work with a stakeholder group to implement field demonstrations funded by a Nebraska Environmental Trust grant.

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Floods and Trees: Helping Your Tree Recover

Flooded roads, Picture from Sarah Browning, Nebraska Extension Educator

Floods cause damage to trees in two main ways – physical and physiological. The severity of damage is determined by many different factors, including the tree species, beginning health of the tree, length of flooding event, depth of the water, amount of soil removed or deposited over the tree’s root system and time of year flooding occurs. Generally, broadleaved trees tolerate flooding better than conifers, such as pine, spruce and fir.

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Lawns, Fertilization and Surface Water

Pesticides on Concrete, Photo from John Fech, Nebraska Extension Educator

During the lawn fertilization season, use responsible practices to help keep nutrients out of streams, rivers ponds, and lakes.

For those who live in town, it is important to know that most curbs and storm sewer systems drain directly into surface water. As rainwater flows over surfaces like pavement and bare soil, it collects materials such as soil, plant and animal waste and fertilizers, which contribute nutrients to surface waters.

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Why does groundwater nitrate vary so much across Nebraska?

map of groundwater nitrate variability in Nebraska

Have you ever wondered why groundwater nitrate maps show so much variation across Nebraska? Or why wells near to your own tested well have such different nitrate levels? The answer has three parts. Nitrate in groundwater varies from place to place because of differences in:

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How can nitrogen budgeting estimate nitrate-N loading to groundwater?

Nitrogen (N) budgeting, where accounting principles are applied to measured quantities of individual N sources, is one tool for understanding how long-term fertilizer-N use and irrigation contributes to nitrogen leaching.  Here, we explore this tool by going through commonly-used conversions and calculations for N supply and nitrate-N leaching to account for changes in aquifer nitrogen contamination.
Nitrogen (N) budgeting, where accounting principles are applied to measured quantities of individual N sources, is one tool for understanding how long-term fertilizer-N use and irrigation contributes to nitrogen leaching. Here, we explore this tool by going through commonly-used conversions and calculations for N supply and nitrate-N leaching to account for changes in aquifer nitrogen contamination.

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Disposal of Flood Soaked Grains and Forages

Flood damaged feeds present some unique challenges. Photo courtesy of John Wilson and Lee Valley, Inc.

Flood-soaked grain or hay is almost certain to be contaminated, making it unfit for use as food or feed.  This summary describes regulatory considerations and recommended actions for management of agricultural grains and forages deemed unusable for food or feed following flooding.

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Emergency Holding Pond Management During Wet Weather

Managing an open lot runoff holding pond during wet weather requires vigilance in monitoring and managing pond levels.
Many areas of Nebraska have experienced higher than normal precipitation events recently, with some areas receiving rainfall that far exceeded a 25-year, 24-hour storm event. This abnormally wet weather pattern has caused drainage and flooding issues in some parts of the state. The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality and Nebraska Extension would like to remind producers and landowners to be vigilant in monitoring lagoon and runoff holding pond levels.

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