Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Cattle Operations through Diet

Greenhouse Gas Contributors in the US
Agriculture in the United States provides a contribution to greenhouse gases, accounting for 9% of total emissions (US EPA). Animal agriculture is a large contributor. In beef production, both cow-calf operations and feedlots produce these gases. By implementing simple changes in cattle’s diet, though, there are several ways to reduce the number of these greenhouse gas emissions.

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Manure Management Strategies for Limiting Antibiotic Runoff

Conservation practices reduce antibiotic movement to surface waters.
It is important that farmers and agriculturalists to implement practices to reduce the runoff of antibiotics. This article helps recognize existing conservation practices one has already implemented that are limiting these risks and additional options that may be considered.

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To Fertilize or Not to Fertilize


You see a bright shiny package at the garden center saying that it can help you have the most bountiful garden ever, the greenest lawn in the neighborhood, your plants will have miraculous growth, or it will supply every element on earth to make sure that your plants are living their best life. It’s got what plants crave….It’s got electrolytes! You reach out to grab that package and ……. Woah!  Pump the brakes!  Do you know if your plants even need to be fertilized?  Are you just falling for that shiny marketing, or do your plants really need added fertility to grow?

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Tolkien Teaches Ag: Lessons from Organic Fertilizer Production

steaming compost rows

On a brisk April day, I was traveling with a group of adventurers through the wilds of the Minnesota country side. We came upon a steep embankment and climbed it so that we might see what lay beyond. When I reached the top, and the crowd around me had parted, I thought for a moment I might suddenly have traded places with Samwise Gamgee, hobbit, because I was gazing out onto a field of what reminded me very much of the steaming slag pits of Mordor.  However, rather than an apocalyptic hell-scape I was instead looking at a premier example of sustainable agriculture.

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Moisture Problems for Trees and Other Landscape Plants

Photo of Chlorosis from Amy Cogswell

The excess rain this year is a change from many years where we are already worried about drought stress on our landscapes. However, excess moisture is causing problems in our landscapes this year from fungal diseases as well as nutrient deficiencies.


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i(AM)Responsible: A Nationwide Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Education Network

iAMR project team members by region and expertise
Antimicrobial resistant infections have been recognized worldwide as a significant threat to public health in recent years. As new research continues to help us understand and characterize AMR populations and potential risks associated with them, developing a nationwide capacity for conducting effective scientific outreach and education on this topic has become critical. In summer 2018, a nationwide team of research and extension professionals was assembled to design and deliver extension programming on AMR.

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Nebraska NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) Conservation Activity Plan (CAP)

NRCS logo
A Conservation Activity Plan or CAP is a plan developed for producers to identify conservation practices to address a specific natural resource need. Applications are taken on a continuous basis with cut-off dates established to rank eligible applications. Eligible producers may apply at their local USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office.

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Muddy Feedlot Surfaces: What Are My Options?

Muddy feedlot conditions common in Nebraska in 2019 lead to poor animal performance, some health issues, and increased odors as temperatures warm. What are your options for minimizing these challenges?
An undesirable combination of precipitation events and freeze/thaw cycles has contributed to some very muddy feedlot surfaces in the winter and spring of 2019 in Nebraska. Preventative design and management options exist for minimizing the occurrence and extent of muddy open feedlot conditions, but very few ‘fixes’ exist for addressing muddy conditions once they are in place. Additional information on your options follows...

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Broiler Chicken Manure: A Fertility Resource for Nebraska

Partially composted broiler litter offers advantages to Nebraska crops.

Author: M. Benjamin Samuelson, Agronomy graduate student, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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Being Water Wise in the Landscape

Cistern, Photo from Kelly Feehan, Nebraska Extension

Water is essential to life and has no substitute; hence, water-wise practices that conserve and protect water resources are something we all need to use. 

During the growing season, it is estimated 40 percent or more of water use is for landscape irrigation. In many cases, the water used for this purpose is water that has been treated to drinking water standards. Plants do not need drinking quality water like we do.

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