The connection between soil organic matter and soil water

Soil Aggregate
One benefit of increasing soil organic matter is to store more water in your soil. Why does this happen? Because soil organic matter creates pores in a range of sizes. Exactly how much more water is stored due to soil organic matter will depend on soil texture, though. Animal manures are one option for increasing soil organic matter and soil health.

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Flushing Products Other Than Toilet Paper Can Cause Big Problems Down the Line

There is no time like the present to have a “Flushing 101” review. Whether you live in a rural area and have your own personal onsite wastewater system or your house is hooked up to a municipal wastewater system, everyone needs to be conscious of what we flush down the toilet. Regardless of what type of wastewater system your home is hooked up to, minimizing solids in our wastewater will improve the overall system performance.

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Preparing Water for Use in an Emergency

tips for safe drinking water storage for use in an emergency
It’s that time of year again in Nebraska, when we can experience severe weather such as flooding, thunderstorms, and tornadoes. These events can create power outages. If you are a private well owner without power your well pump won’t work, therefore you will not have running water and public water customers can also experience disruptions in their water supply. Having an emergency water supply on hand can be very helpful in these situations.

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Proposed Changes to Nebraska Recommendations for Manure Nitrogen Credit

 This article introduces University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) proposed changes in recommendations for crediting manure nitrogen in a crop’s fertility program.
Managing manure for economic and environmental benefit is based, in part, upon our ability to efficiently recycle manure nitrogen (N) between animals and crops. This article introduces University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) proposed changes in recommendations for crediting manure nitrogen in a crop’s fertility program.

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To Fertilize or Not To Fertilize?

“To be, or not to be? That is the question—Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And, by opposing, end them?”

This famous quote by William Shakespeare from the play Hamlet provokes the question in the endeavor of lawn care of “to fertilize or not to fertilize?” and then of course, when, how much and which type should be applied naturally follows.

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Know Your Pesticide

Lawn pesticides and equipment

Spring is coming. And with the onset of warm weather and more spring rains, comes many different lawn weeds. Each year we tend to find new herbicides in the garden center of our favorite stores. However, when dealing with pesticides, it is very important to know what you are purchasing and how to correctly use it so as to not harm the environment, pollinators, and beneficial plants.

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Manure Nitrogen Use for Increased Profit and Environmental Protection

For many years, the University has used a recommended equivalence of 47% available over the course of 3 years for feedlot manure, 37% for compost, and 52% available for poultry manure with litter. Recent research shows that these numbers may be a little low, but they are intentionally conservative so as not to limit yield due to nitrogen deficiency.

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Manure Management: Economics, Agronomics, Environment

preview of NDA article
The Nebraska Department of Agriculture has released a new feature article on the manure industry in Nebraska. In the article, which is part one of a two-part series, the author highlights the fact that manure is nature's recycling program.

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Gardens for Water and Pollinators

Columbus Raingarden

When planning gardens, people may think about pollinators and select plants to benefit them. Another trend is using rain gardens to catch and hold rainwater. Water and pollinator conservation are two goals achieved with rain gardens.

Rain gardens reduce irrigation needs and can decrease the amount of rainwater running off of a property and carrying pollutants to surface water. Rainwater is a valuable resource. Consider collecting some of it with a rain garden that is filled with plants to benefit pollinators.

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No-till, Cover Crops, And Planned Grazing Systems Workshop to be held in Norfolk February 12th

If you are interested in learning more about Soil Health, Cover Crops and Nitrogen Management consider attending the No-till cover crops grazing workshop held by the Bazile Groundwater Management Area, Lower Elkhorn Natural Resource District and the NRCS in Norfolk at the Lifelong Learning Center. The workshop will run from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with lunch provided by the Bazile Groundwater Area NRDs.

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