Integrated Pest Management

Pesticide Application
Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, is a long-standing, science-based, decision-making process that identifies and reduces risks from pests and pesticides. It coordinates the use of pest biology, environmental information and available technology to prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage by the most economical means, while posing the least possible risk to people, property, resources and the environment. IPM provides an effective strategy for managing pests in all areas from developed residential and public areas to crop and wild lands.

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What is a pesticide?

Pesticide being applied to a field

The public is becoming increasingly concerned about the harmful effects of pesticides on the environment. Protecting water and the environment is a key element of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP). It is essential that pesticide applicators understand all aspects of the pesticides they use in order to properly manage them. Whether you want to learn more about protecting human health, the environment, becoming certified and licensed, or improving your bottom line UNL Extension PSEP can help!

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Irrigation Scheduling

G1579, Using Modified Atmometers (ETgage) for Irrigation Management Describes the atmometer (evapotranspiration gage) and explains how it can be used for irrigation scheduling. Examples are provided to show how information collected with an atmometer can be used to estimate crop water use for corn and soybean.
PDF version (975 KB; 4 pages)

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Yield Goal Development

Setting a Realistic Corn Yield Goal Nebguide
Discusses how to set a realistic corn yield goal by acknowledging climatic yield limitations of corn in Nebraska and the yield history in a field.

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Crop Water Use

For more in-depth coverage of Crop Water Use issues, ETgages and Water Sensors, see Agricultural Irrigation.

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Cover Crops

Crops including grasses, legumes or forbs used for seasonal cover and other conservation purposes.

SARE Publications 2007, Managing Cover Crops Profitably, 3rd Edition. Beltsville, MD: Sustainable Agriculture Network, 244 pgs. $19 for book; PDF version available.

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Variety Selection & Tests

EC197, Using Winter Wheat Yield Data to Improve Variety Selection PDF only (224 KB; 8 pages) This extension circular describes a method for comparing and selecting various wheat varieties.

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Simulating Crop Phenology by Gregory S. McMaster, from The Regional Institute, 4th International Crop  Science Congress, 2004.

Simulating Crop Phenological Responses to Water by Gregory McMaster, John White, A. Weiss, P. Baenziger, Wallace Willhelm, J. Porter, P, Jamieson; USDA Agricultural Research Service; Jan. 2008.

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Other Systems

Some areas in Nebraska are not appropriate for a conventional septic tank/drainfield system or a residential lagoon. We consider these environmentally vulnerable areas.

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Problems sometimes occur. Lagoon depth may fall below 2-foot minimum due to leak in artificial liner, clogged inlet pipe, low flow rate into lagoon, holes in dike from plant roots or burrowing animals, not enough clay in natural soil liner or not compacted.

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