Estimating Manure N App Rates

Manure nitrogen application rates must be estimated annually based upon the most recently available information for manure nutrient concentration (manure sample) and the estimate of crop nutrient needs. Since this information is not typically available at the time of a permit application, estimating manure nitrogen application rates as part of a permit is, at best, an educated guess made without essential information. However, the underlying principles and assumptions that will be used to estimate manure nitrogen application rates can be defined in a permit application.

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Custom Manure Application

Custom Manure Applicators are becoming more commonly used by livestock producers in the state of Nebraska. While the regulations in Nebraska do not restrict the use of custom applicators or the methods that they employ, it is in their best interest to apply manure in accordance with the permit holder's nutrient management plan. It is, however, the responsibility of the permit holder (livestock producer) to make sure that happens.

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Manure Spreader Calibration

Spreader over plastic sheet

As crops come out of the field, manure application equipment typically begins going in. While knowing the nutrient concentrations in your manure, the nutrient levels in the soil, and the nutrient needs of future crop needs are important, another critical component of the manure application process is using the right manure spreader setting, speed, and lane spacing during application. Combining all of these factors to optimize application efficiency is called calibrating the manure spreader.

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Yield Goal Development

Setting a Realistic Corn Yield Goal Nebguide
Discusses how to set a realistic corn yield goal by acknowledging climatic yield limitations of corn in Nebraska and the yield history in a field.

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Crop Planning

An annual crop nutrient management plan is needed to ensure an adequate supply of nutrients to sustain profitable crop production, and to balance nutrient inputs (including manure) with crop nutrient needs. Title 130 of the NDEQ requires that a permit application include a nutrient management plan with manure sampling and analysis procedures, soil sampling and analysis procedures, and planned land application rates, methods, and frequencies.

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Manure Nutrient Management

Spreading manure solids on a field
Water quality protection is primary to good stewardship of our environment; and fundamental to good stewardship is application of manure and fertilizer nutrients at field-specific agronomic rates with careful consideration of timing and location. Following nutrient management principles is a requirement for compliance with Nebraska and U.S. environmental regulations for all permitted animal feeding operations.

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Nutrient Management

Machinery in a Field
Water quality is affected by nutrient management when chemicals, soil, and residue move off of agricultural land or below it. This section focuses on a number of production issues that when managed correctly minimize the potential for off-site consequences because excess of the nutrients is limited or eliminated.

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Crop Planning - Soil Testing

Regularly checking soil nutrient status by sampling and analysis should be part of one’s crop production plans regardless of whether manure use is an option. However, soil testing is especially important with manure application to insure that excessive amounts of nutrients are not accumulating in the soil.

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Crop Planning - Manure Nutrient Analysis and Application

Default values for manure nutrient concentrations are typical values, but concentrations can vary substantially from these due to the feeding program, type of animal housing, and manure handling system. Additional variation occurs within animal feeding operations due to time of year and weather conditions.

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Manure Regulations

Livestock Waste Regulations in Nebraska are enforced by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality NDEQ). NDEQ administers both state and federal (EPA) environmental regulations. The governing regulations are called Title 130, Livestock Waste Control Regulations.

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