As surface/canal water usually curtails mid-September, extension recommends that Nebraska Panhandle producers ensure their soil water profiles are full to sustain crops through to harvest.
Compost is used as a soil amendment to improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils. Over time, yearly additions of compost will improve your landscape or garden soil in many ways including the water holding capacity of sandy soils and water percolation in clay soils.
Nebraska growers share Week 2 results of their irrigation management decisions based on soil moisture sensor data, as part of a new collaboration with extension educators.
Nebraska Extension will host a Nitrogen Sources and Water Quality Field Day on August 13, 2024, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at the Haskell Ag Lab near Concord, NE.
The amount and timing of irrigation applied in recent years may have very little to do with what's needed this year. Review the factors before making a decision.
As we move into the heat of the summer, we need to remember proper irrigation practices for our plants. It is just as easy to overwater as it is to underwater plants. And remember that irrigation practices differ among all different types of plants.
Part 3 in a series of 3, this article explains the what you need to know when you want to apply for USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service's Environmental Quality Incentives Program, known as EQIP.