Chemigation Training in 2024

Chemigation training for Nebraskans will be offered at nearly 50 in-person sessions from now through April, as well as online.

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Pesticide Safety Certification Training for Private Applicators in 2024

Photo of corn crop being sprayed
Producers who need to acquire or renew a private pesticide applicator license this year can choose between several options, including in-person training, online self-study programs, and an NDA-administered exam.

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Drought Tolerant Plants

Rocky Mountain Pussytoes plant
With ongoing drought, conserving water in home, business and public landscapes is important. One way to conserve water is selecting drought tolerant plants. As a rule, a drought tolerant plant is one that can survive on average rainfall with little or no supplemental water once established.

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Substituting Commercial Fertilizer with Manure a Focus of Annual Manure Training Events

nebraska map of 2024 LAT locations
It’s that time of year again and I’m here to help you stay on track for that New Year’s resolution to “Manure Better”. That wasn’t your resolution? I’m sorry, but it would be a great resolution and an achievable one at that, so add it to your list. My New Year’s resolution is to help crop farmers “Manure Better”. The annual land application (manure) training events are coming up soon and may be just the ticket to “help me, help you”.

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Outdoor Water Management in Turfgrass Areas

Irrigation heads on the lawn projecting water blowing out of the irrigation system.

As we are ending 2023, the temperature high and/or low could be consistently at or less than 32°F with a possible chance of snow precipitation. For turfgrass areas in December, the process of dormancy for both warm and cool-season grasses has already occurred. In regards to water use in dormant lawns in cooler temperatures, December is not the time to use irrigation in grass areas. The Photo above is from Pioneer Underground Lawn Sprinklers.

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University Releases Web-based Nitrogen Management Tool for Corn Growers

Corn field at sunset
Available now on CropWatch, the web-based tool allows users to input data for individual fields to help fine-tune their nitrogen applications, and maximize yield and profitability.

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Tips for Winter Manure Application

manure application on snow-covered soil, photo credit: Iowa State University
Manure application on frozen or snow-covered soil poses a higher risk of nutrient loss through runoff.

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The gift that keeps giving: manure important resource for crop producers

  Leslie Johnson uses a mixture of candy to demonstrate the importance of collecting a good representative manure sample at the “Saving Money by Using Manure” workshop in West Point, Neb. Photo credit: Midwest Messenger
Manure is like a slow-release fertilizer for our crops, sort of like the gift that keeps on giving. Kristen Sindelar with the Midwest Messenger shares what she learned by attending the "Saving Money by Using Manure on Crops" workshop.

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The 2024 Nutrient Recordkeeping Calendars are Here!

2024 nutrient management record keeping calendar advertisement
The 2024 Nutrient Management Calendars are now available from the Nebraska Extension. This easy-to-use record keeping calendar tracks manure-related records for livestock and cropping operations. It serves as a guide for livestock operations that are required by the State of Nebraska to keep records. It was designed to be used by all sizes of livestock operations and includes all records required for operations permitted for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).

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The Importance of Maintaining High Uniformity of Water Application of Center Pivot

Worn nozzles.
The Importance of Maintaining High Uniformity of Water Application of Center Pivot

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