It’s Time for Private Well Maintenance

Photo credit: Jan Hygnstrom

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La Nina Forecasted to Continue with Drought Expansion Likely According to CPC

Nebraska Climatologist Al Dutcher reviews the latest CPC forecast, which predicts drought intensification through the entire 2022 growing season.

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Landscape Irrigation

Screwdriver testing moisture content
Currently most of southeast Nebraska is in the ‘Moderate Drought’ level on the drought monitor. As we move into the spring and summer we could see the drought continue and irrigation will be critical.

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Considerations for Planting into Dry Conditions

As planting is critical for everything else that happens during the growing season, the dry conditions have led to a variety of questions this planting season regarding soil conditions, planting depth, irrigation and herbicides.

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Getting Your Lawn Ready for Summer - Aeration

Lawn Aeration, Backyard Farmer, UNL

Many Nebraska soils have high clay and silt content making them prone to compaction. Foot traffic from both human and pets, equipment and vehicles are all common causes of soil compaction. Look for the following as signs of potential soil compaction in your landscape.

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Carbon Sources for Composting HPAI Mortalities

Nebraska Extension is calling on municipalities, lawn care companies, farmers and others to donate or sell wood chips, hay, lawn waste and other carbon sources to livestock producers hit hard by Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).

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Manure Use and Composting following Application of Certain Herbicides

Example graphic from a pesticide label with grazing and composting restrictions.
The prices of synthetic fertilizers have increased significantly over the last year leaving growers and even homeowners facing the decision of finding alternative sources of nutrients. One great option is the use of manure or compost from a local farm or from your own operation. The use of manure in gardening can loosen compacted soil, increase carbon in the soil, and reduce surface runoff and leaching all while providing nutrients that your plants need. While this option is great, it is important to be aware of the potential carry over of herbicides in manure from grazing animals.

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New UNL Manure Nitrogen Crediting Recommendations for Crop Fertility

pile of manure with N sources
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) has changed recommendations for crediting nitrogen following manure applications for field crops. New research has shown that most manures are similar changing the organic-nitrogen availability factors.

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Yonts Water Conference April 12 in Gering

Western Nebraska water supply, weather updates to be a part of this year's Yonts Water Conference in Gering. Also come to connect with UNL researchers, irrigation districts, the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, the North Platte NRD, and other agencies and organizations who manage water in the Panhandle.

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Join Citizen Science + Water Quality

Join over 800 Nebraskans who are already exploring our water! This FREE Water Quality Testing program for plant nutrients (nitrate, nitrite, phosphate) is seeking volunteers to join the fourth year of testing surface and groundwater in Nebraska.

Learn more and sign up by visiting

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