John C. Fech - Extension Educator

John C. Fech - Extension Educator

Horticulturist, ISA Certified Arborist
University of Nebraska

Watering New Trees and Shrubs

Planting a shrub, Photo by John Fech

Many new trees and shrubs are planted in April, May and June.  By far, the two most important considerations are implementing the proper techniques for planting and watering.

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Watering During Turf Establishment

Irrigating lawn with a sprinkler
If damage from voles, skunks, ice, cold temperatures or other factors have left your lawn a bit on the thin side, mid-spring is a good time to thicken up the stand. Likewise, if your landscape has a bare area due to construction or a major change, turf establishment is probably on the agenda. After the soil temperature has warmed to 50-55 degrees F for several days, been prepared with a power rake or core cultivator, the seeds dropped onto the bare soil or opened up turf stand and raked lightly with an upturned leaf rake, the next step is water to start the germination process.

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Summer Patio Planter Care

Container Garden

In summer, it’s easy to forget about the needs of patio planters and houseplants moved outside for the summer.  There are 5 areas to focus on to keep them thriving, beginning with watering. 

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Water Efficiency with Container Gardens

Irrigated container
Using just the right amount of water is important no matter what the situation whether it’s watering a football field or providing for your patio planters and container gardens. The keys to success are 2 fold: 1. Watering to the bottom of the roots 2. Keep the roots moist, not soggy or dry.

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To Fertilize or Not To Fertilize?

“To be, or not to be? That is the question—Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And, by opposing, end them?”

This famous quote by William Shakespeare from the play Hamlet provokes the question in the endeavor of lawn care of “to fertilize or not to fertilize?” and then of course, when, how much and which type should be applied naturally follows.

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