Meghan Sittler - Extension Educator

Meghan Sittler - Extension Educator

Iron and manganese in water

dirty pipe

Discolored water. A strange odor. Stained ceramic fixtures such as tubs, sinks and toilets. Discolored clothes, towels and dishes. Reduced water pressure.  These are all some of the potential impacts from high levels of iron and manganese in your water supply. 

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Inspect and maintain your wastewater lagoon now


The arrival of spring, warm weather and sunshine brings a flurry of activity around your acreage. Annual plantings are done, mulch is purchased, spring cleaning is completed and the mowing season begins.  All of those things are done annually to maintain homes and yards.

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Celebrate (and check) your drinking water in May

water testing kit

National Drinking Water Week is held in May each year to bring attention to important water quantity and quality issues and their relationship to drinking water supplies.  The attention to drinking water during that week provides an opportunity to learn more water resources in general and also serves a reminder to think about where your water comes from.

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National Groundwater Awareness Week

National Groundwater Awareness Week logo

National Groundwater Awareness Week

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Check your water system as part of your New Year Resolutions

The new year is a time where we all make goals and a plan of attack for the upcoming 12 months.  We often think of things we will do to improve our health, save money or be more organized in all or part of our daily lives. One way to take steps to be more organized and also protect your and others’ health as well as the environment is to get reacquainted with your water system--both your drinking well and your on-site wastewater system—and to establish a testing and maintenance schedule for the upcoming months. 

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